PART 2: The Meaning of Being Lonely

"Trunks-kun, is something the matter?" Pan asked. Trunks looked like he was miles away.
"Uh...oh, Pan! Hi! No, no, nothing's wrong!" Trunks said.
"You look like you were in some other planet." Pan said.
"Heh." Trunks chuckled. "I'm just...uh...thinking of you."
"I'm right here." Pan said.
"In a...bathing suit." Trunks added. Pan blushed.
"Oh, Trunks! You sure know how to flatter a girl." Pan said.
"Uh...yeah!" Trunks replied.
"What's with you tonight?"
"Nothing!" Trunks replied.
"Are you bored?"
"No! Heck no!"
"Are you late for something?"
"No! I cleared up all my plans for you."
"Are love with someone else?"
Trunks stared at Pan.
"Of course not!!!" he said.
"Then why are you acting so strangely?" Pan asked.
"I told you already!"
"You're thinking of me in a bathing suit? Yeah right!"
"See? Even you say it's true!"
"I meant that sarcastically."
"Well, since when have I seen you in a bikini?"
"Let me think...last summer?!"
"I missed you in it!"
Trunks looked out at the window again. At the stars. Then a thought suddenly came into his mind. He shook his head to clear out the thoughts. [What IS wrong with me?]

Goten opened the door and saw Marron.
"Konbanwa, Marron-chan." he said. Marron didn't reply. Instead, she kissed him on the lips. Goten pushed Marron away.
"Oi! I think you got the wrong person!" Goten said. Marron stepped back and bowed.
"Gomen nasai, Goten-kun but I...I just had to do it." Marron said softly.
"What do you mean?" asked Goten.
"I can't stand being so in love with Trunks! I have to... settle down."
"Settle down?"
"I just want to kiss him and talk to him and love him but I can't.
I just can't."
"What do you need me for?"
"Goten, will me?"
"Just one night..."
"But Marron-chan, I can't."
"I just need one night! At least to just tell someone how much I feel about Trunks..."
"Well, I...come in."
"Arigato, Goten-kun."
Marron stepped inside.
"I hope I'm not bothering you, Goten-kun." Marron said.
"Not at all!" Goten said.
"What is it?"
"Do you feel uncomfortable that I'm in love with Trunks and he's dating your niece?"
"You're good for each other, Marron-chan. But it's really
Trunks' life and he...chooses to be with Pan." Marron was stunned. She never actually heard anyone else say that Trunks loved Pan. No one ever made her realize. She stood still for a moment then she regained her stability.
"I knew it!" she said as tears filled her eyes. "He'll never love me! I'll be an old maid because no one will love me!" She turned around and started to run away but then Goten grabbed  her hand.
"I love you, Marron!" Goten said absentmindedly.
"Wh-what did you say?" Marron asked as she turned to face Goten.
"I love you..." Goten whispered, letting go of her hand.
"You're just saying that, Goten-kun!" Marron said.
"No! I mean it!"
"But why? How?"
"It's your fault, y'know. If you hadn't kissed me so good then
I probably wouldn't be this way."
"How much do you..."
"I don't know! I"
"I-I can't. I'm sorry, Goten-kun."
"But we're good for each other! I mean, I'm not that smart but you are! You can help me! We're only 4 years apart! And Trunks loves Pan."
"I...gotta go..."
Marron turned away and ran.

(Marron) I might as well kill myself. But there's so much to live for but...more to die for. I hate love! People say that love is the greatest thing ever made but why should it hurt so much?

(Goten) I do love her. A lot, I guess. I don't really know how much but I know I love her. But I know she'll never feel that way about me. She loves Trunks too much to give me a chance. I gotta help her but I don't know how. If I try to make Trunks fall in love with her then Pan-chan will have her heart broken. I don't know how Marron can fall in love with someone else when she's so much in love with Trunks. The only way to help her is to help her get over him.

"I'm so glad we could all sleep over together!" Bra exclaimed.
"Isn't it great that Marron-chan could come!"
"Yeah!" Pan replied.
"Girls! Time to sleep!" Bulma called out from outside.
"Just a minute, okaasan!" Bra called back. Well, girls *yawn*
I'll see ya in the morning. G'night!"
Bra went to sleep. Marron looked up at the ceiling for while and then at Pan who didn't seem to be sleeping yet.
"...Pan-chan? Are you still awake?" she asked.
"Yep." Pan replied.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Have you"
"Of course!"
"How does it feel like?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Just wondering. I never kissed a guy before."
"You haven't?!"
"I have but it didn't really mean anything. Since you and Trunks love each other so much, I wondered how it felt to kiss someone you really love."
"Well...I really don't know how to explain. It's different all the time. Sometimes it's planned and sometimes it just happens. It tastes like a different flavor everytime but the feeling is still the same.
"So that's how his kisses were..."
"What was that?"
"Oh nothing! Nothing!"
"*yawn* Well, I'm sleepy. Oyasumi nasai."
Pan goes to sleep.
"Oyasumi nasai, Pan-chan."
Marron looked up at the ceiling again. She felt so wide awake. She stood up and goes outside to look at the stars. [I wonder how Trunks' kisses really are like.] she wondered with a sigh.
[No! Stop thinking about it! But it seems so...NO!!! I can't think about it! But I just want to taste a won't hurt, would it?]
She looked at the door to the hallway. Trunks' room was just a couple of doors away. Marron hesitated but then proceeded to Trunks' room. She smiled at the sleeping Trunks. He was in an odd position in his bed. A leg dropped to the ground, his arms were spread across his pillow and he was tied up in his sheets. He was also snoring. Marron giggled a little and put Trunks in the proper position. She unwrapped him from his sheets and tucked him in. Trunks looked more comfortable and stopped snoring. He looked much better. Marron kneeled down by his bedside and just watched him as if she were his guradian angel.
"Trunks-kun..." she whispered softly. "I wish I had told you sooner. Before you fell in love with Pan. Why didn't I take my chance? I make bad decisions, that's why. I wanted to be the one telling stories, describing how your kisses were like, not the one listening to them. At least...I'll know..." Marron bit her lip and paused. Then she kissed Trunks softly on the lips.
[It's true! Everything she said was true! Even more... undescribable...] Marron thought after she broke off the kiss. Then Trunks' eyes started to open. Marron felt like having a heart attack. [Oh Kami-sama! He's waking up!]
"Hngh?" Trunks said as he awoke. His eyes went wide open when he saw Marron in his room.
"Marron-chan?! What are you doing here?!" he asked.
"Eh...Trunks-kun?! Hey! Why am I in your room?! Heh. I must be sleepwalking! Hehe..." Marron said.
"Well, gomen nasai, Trunks-kun! I'd better start sleeping in a tight sleeping bag, ne? Hehe. Bye!" Marron jumped to her feet and ran out of the room. [OH MY GOSH! How embarrassing!] she thought. Then she calmed down and touched her lips.
"At least I know..." she whispered to herself.

(Marron) I don't think I'll be so sad about Trunks anymore. I know how his lips taste like and that's enough to help me move on. I think that's exactly what I needed to realize that Trunks could never be mine. It was wonderful to feel his lips on mine even when it meant nothing to him. I felt the warmth of Pan's good night  kiss and I know she gave everything she had into that kiss. I'm ready to move on.

Marron picked up the phone.
"Moshi moshi!" she greeted.
"Marron-chan, may I speak with you?" the voice on the other line said.
"Oh Trunks-kun! Sure, go ahead!" Marron said.
"I can't talk now. I want to talk in person."
"Um...okay. Where do we meet?"
"How about Tsuki park?"
Marron paused. [Tsuki park?!]
"Marron? Are you there?" Trunks asked.
"Oh sorry! Sure, I'll be there. What time?"
"Thirty minutes from now?"
"I'll be there!"
"Arigato gozaimasu! Ja ne!"
"'Kay. Bye!"
Marron hung up. She paused for a while and then snapped out of her trance. She went upstairs and got dressed.

(Marron) Tsuki park?! Does he even remember what happened between us there?! It was our first and only date. I wasn't in love with him back then. Maybe I was. I just didn't realize. I was so obsessed with Clark Gable. I just saw the movie "Gone With the Wind" and I fell in love with him right away. It was love at first sight. What was I thinking? He's definitely WAY older than me and long dead. If I wasn't so damned obsessed with him, Trunks and I would have had that relationship I've dreamed of. But I was too young too realize that. I only agreed to go on the date with Trunks because he was my friend and the restaurant we were going to was near a store with a "Gone With the Wind" tape. We went to Tsuki park after dinner and Trunks told me he loved me. It was my fault Trunks and I will never be together. I was too busy thinking about that stupid Clark Gable. I broke Trunks' heart there. I knew I was supposed to move on but...I think I'm  still in love with Trunks.