PART 6 Pen Pal

"Are you sure that it's okay that I came?" Marron asked. "I'm not bothering you, am I?"
"Not at all. I'm glad you came." replied Trunks.
"You sure?"
"I mean, I don't know how long you'll be gone and I'm really going to miss you."
"How much?"
"A lot."
"I'll miss you a lot, too."
"Flight 292 to Hong Kong will be boarding in 5 minutes." the speaker announced. "Flight 292 to Hong Kong will be boarding in 5 minutes. Flight 292..."
"Well, that's my plane." Trunks said.
"Good luck."
"Thanks. I'll write to you."
"I'll write back." Marron paused and then she tiptoed to give Trunks a light peck on his cheek.
"Well...gotta go." Trunks said. He turned around but then stopped. Then he took something out of his pocket and looked back at Marron.
"But before I do..." He took Marron's hand and put something  in it. "I want you to have this."
Marron opened her hand and found a ring.
"Isn't this the ring I found in the chocolate?" she asked.
"Doesn't it belong to someone else?"
"No. It was just something I got and I want you to have it."
"Why? It looks pretty expensive."
"Um... Well, you are my girlfriend, aren't you?"
Marron blushed.
"Uh...Trunks, those dates weren't real dates, right? I mean..."
"Well, if it isn't because you are...we are...y'know, then it's because I really like you."
"Well, it does seem like...y'know. It's pretty much a little date."
"And if it isn't you..."
"Flight 292 to Hong Kong is now boarding." the speaker interrupted.
"Last call for Flight 292. Flight 292 to Hong Kong..."
"You'd better go now." Marron said.
"Yeah. I'll se ya." Trunks started to turn away and then he stopped.
"Just one more thing..." he said.
"What?" Marron asked. Trunks leaned down towards Marron and kissed her. After the kiss ended, Marron was blushing furiously.
"Bye." Trunks whispered as he started to leave. Marron felt her lips as she watched Trunks go. [I love you, Trunks-kun.]

Trunks looked out at the window as he waited for the plane to take off. He wished that Marron was right there, sitting beside him. But instead it was some big fat guy in a suit, snoring  away. Trunks would have taken his private jet but it was out for repairs. Bra had tried to fly it but then, she "accidentally" pressed the button which almost made her crash. Trunks looked out at the window again. He was already missing Marron. He was missing her so much that his heart felt like it was going to burst. He reached into his breast pocket to take out a picture with Marron. It was a group picture because he never got to take a picture of Marron by herself or them as a couple. As he dug in his pocket, he felt his pen and got an idea. He took out both the picture and the pen. He took out a piece of paper from his suitcase and started writing a letter.

My dear Marron,
I miss you so much. Even here, in the plane that hasn't taken off yet. I wish I didn't have to do this. I'll try to work really fast so we can see each other soon. And when I do, maybe we can have a real date.


Marron quickly tore up the envelope with Trunks' letter and read it. It was short but she loved it. She took out a pen and paper and immediately started writing.

Dear Trunks,
I miss you terribly. I wish you didn't have to go either. Good luck on your business.
I love the ring you gave me and I will treasure it forever. I'll wear it everyday so I won't forget you. I hope you don't forget me. If you do, it's okay. I know you have lots of things to do and I don't mind that you don't write to me so often. I just want to keep in touch and I want to have the knowledge that you still know me.
How's business? Your first stop is Hong Kong, isn't it? I've never been there but I heard that it's a very nice place. Do you get to go sightseeing? There are many good things to see over there in Hong Kong or so I've heard. Where are you going next?
There's nothing much going on here. It's just the same. Goten told me that he and Paris broke up. I feel really sorry for him but I'm sure they'll make up again, I know it. I just hope that Goten feels better soon.
Well, that's about all I have to say. Maybe we could go on real date. Maybe. I miss you very much. Have a nice trip!


Trunks yawned as he left the meeting room. It was the most boring discussion he had. And to think that the other men were actually enjoying it! Trunks yawmned again at the thought. He went into the elevator and pressed the button to the main lobby. He stepped out and headed for the door.
"Mr. Trunks Briefs!" someone had called out to him. He turned around and saw a woman at the front desk waving at him. He
walked towards her.
"What is it?" he asked.
"You receive letter." she said with a mild Cantonese accent. She took out an envelope and gave it to Trunks.
"Is that all?" Trunks asked.
"Yes, that is all." the woman replied.
"Well, okay." Trunks said as he began to leave. "Xie xie."
"Xie xie?" the woman asked. "That is Mandarin. We here in Hong Kong speak Cantonese."
"Oh, right. Well, thank you very much."
Trunks bowed Japanese style and left the building. He got into his limo and took out the envelope. It was from Marron. He quickly opened it and began to read it. After he was done, he began to write another letter.

Dear Marron,
I'm really glad that you wrote back. And I'll be needing the luck. I need it in case I fall asleep.
I've had that ring for quite some time and I wanted to give it to you a long time ago. I want to ask you something so badly but I just can't. Not in this letter. I have to ask you personally. I want to let you know that I will never ever forget you. Not on my life! The only way I could forget about you is by having amnesia. You heard right about Hong Kong. I went sightseeing a little and it seemed like a very nice place. Beautiful. I'm leaving for Ho Chi Mihn city tomorrow and then to Taipei. I have quite a tight schedule but I won't have to worry about that in a week or so.
I hope that Goten feels better soon...or maybe not. Oh well. I really hope that we can go on a real date. Please put it into consideration. I miss you a lot, too. I'll see you soon, I hope.


Marron almost ripped the letter Trunks sent her in half because of her haste. She read it carefully.
[I wonder what was the question he wanted to ask me was.] she thought. [A ring? A question? Maybe he wants to propose to me. No way! Trunks isn't going to propose to me...or is he? Nah!]