Homecoming and Memories, Part 15

Marron put on the dress that Trunks bought for her 2 days ago.  She looked at herself in the mirror…she was ready, all dressed up and everything.  James was already waiting downstairs for her, and Trunks and Shellise were probably already there with Goten’s date, Nay.  I wonder…is the bet still on?  Or maybe…maybe he’s just fooling with my mind…I mean it is Trunks after all…
Marron sat on her bed.  Her hair was down, in cute curls, it matched the whole dress theme, cute.  Marron thought about what Trunks had said to her on the phone the other day.  What does Trunks know?!  I mean…he’s just…well…he was never wrong before.  She paused for a moment.  And…he never does bad things to me unless it turns out good in the end…What if he’s right about James?  She stood up.  What’re you thinking Roonz?!  Just enjoy this night with him, you’re to far in this relationship to go back, I mean you trust him, don’t you?
Before she could go any farther with her thoughts, Marron’s phone rang.  She picked up.  “Hello?”

“Roonz, where are you?!”

“Hi to you to Trunks.”

“You owe me a dance.”

Marron giggled.  “James and I will be there in a few minutes I swear.”

“You better not ditch me, I’ll MAKE you pay for that dress.”

“BYE!” Marron hung up and walked downstairs.  She saw James sitting on the couch chatting with her dad.  He stood up and walked to her.  Great…my thoughts of trust are suddenly coming back…damn it Marron, give it up!  You’re going to have fun, whether you like it or not.

 Trunks saw Marron walk in with James.  There she is…cute and pretty as usual…I still can’t believe she’s with that dumb ass pickle head.  I’ll dance with her later…I’ll let her have fun with pickle brain first.

 Trunks walked up to his date.  She was busy talking to all the ‘popular’ kids.  She was trying to be graceful, sweet, and innocent.  Social Climber indeed, but of course, Trunks was to blind to notice.  Everything was going great, everyone was having fun.  Nay and Goten were having a blast.  Trunks and Marron had not danced yet, of course.  Marron was having too much fun with James, Trunks on the other hand, was bored out of his mind.    Shellise kept babbling on and on about her family, and how rich she is, etc.

 This is boring…damn it.  You call this love?  She WAS great at first, now she’s getting to be a pain in the ass…Like every other girl I dated.  He glanced over to where Marron was.  She still owes me that dance…

 She looks like she’s having fun.  Never thought she would…she always ditches her dates.  She shouldn’t be dancing with him…it’s just wrong.  If Marron trusts him…why can’t anyone else?  And they call me blind.


Marron looked at James.  “I had a really fun time tonight.”

“And I did to.” He kissed her on the lips.  Marron blushed deeply.  He drove her home, and gave her another sweet kiss on the lips.  She walked out of the car and went inside.  She sighed deeply, and walked to the couch and sat down.  “Oh my god…I actually had fun tonight!”  She giggled, and put her corsage down.  She closed her eyes.  “I bet it’s the dress…”  She suddenly stood up.  “Oh god…I owe Trunks that dance…”  She sat back down and sighed.  Maybe he’ll forgive me…even though he does, I’ll never forgive myself…  She stood up and grabbed her car keys.  Things I do for that boy…


Trunks got up to his room.  He saw the answering machine blink.  “I have 1 message…” He pressed play and listened.

Trunks, its Marron.  I know I didn’t dance with you, I’m sorry!  But don’t take my dress away!!  I know it’s late but, do me one more favor and go to the lake.  Later.

The lake?!  12:30 in the morning?  Is she crazy?  What the hell does she want me to do at the lake??  Things I do for that girl…  He grabbed a jacket and walked out.


 Marron saw Trunks fly down.  He looked really sleepy.  “Okay Roonz, what do you want?”

Marron giggled.  “I didn’t know you’d actually come!!!!” She jumped up and gave him a hug.

 “Just tell me what you want?”

Marron giggled.  “I’m just paying you back, besides, I still owe you a dance.  And you’re not sleeping till you get it.”

Trunks raised an eyebrow.  “What?”

Marron turned on the radio.  She coughed, and lowered her voice.  “I’m going to be the man for tonight whether you like it or not.”

Trunks laughed.  “A man in a dress, cute.”

“Shut up.” Marron grabbed his hand and they started dancing.

“Aren’t the men supposed to put their arms around the girl’s waist?”

Marron rolled her eyes.  “You’re to big.”  She giggled.


“You thought I forgot all about you’re dance, didn’t you?”

“You did forget.”

“I did not!!!” Marron whined.  “I’m here now, aren’t I?”

“Marron, you forgot, and suddenly remembered when you got home.”

Marron lowered her head and looked at the ground.  “You know me to well, Prez.”

Trunks laughed.  “I’ve only known you for maybe 3,000 years.”

Marron looked up and smiled.  They just stood there dancing and staring at each other. Trunks looks different…well he’s acting different, he’s nicer.

“I just noticed, we’ve been dancing here with NO music at all, we were, now the songs over.” Trunks observed.  He looked up at the sky, and back down at her. “But I like it.”

Marron blushed.  “So, do you forgive me for forgetting?”

She’s blushing…she never blushes around me unless I embarrass her…

“Of course, why wouldn’t I?”

“Why wouldn’t you?” Marron asked turning his question around.

Trunks paused.  “I take that back, I forgive you, period.”

Marron giggled, then stopped.  Everything stopped at that moment; the two stopped talking, and just stared off somewhere.  Marron glanced at Trunks, and back at the ground.  I have no idea where this nights going, I mean…it’s a weird night.  First of all, Trunks and I aren’t talking…and I’m blushing!  Marron put a weird face on while looking at the ground, and blushed some more.  What the hell is up with that?!  Marron, you’re blushing in front of you’re best friend!  For no reason at all!  I mean…it’s not like you’ve never danced with him before.  She looked back at him.  He was looking off somewhere else.  There’s something different about him tonight…for some reason there just is.  There are things I’ve observed…but there is just something different about him that I can’t exactly pinpoint to.  Trunks looked down at Marron, and saw her blushing and gazing up at him.  Marron blushed some more and looked down.

Trunks turned deep red, and looked back up at the sky.  I wonder what she’s thinking?  I bet it’s about that boy James…that dumb ass.  I’d beat him up if she just weren’t going out with him.  And I’m not going to do that because I’m jealous, I just don’t think he’s right for her that’s all.


The two best friends were under a tree, talking and chattering about nonsense.  Trunks was leaning against the tree, with Marron’s head on his shoulder.  “Do you remember the time when you and Goten got chased by a bunch of bees?  And you and Goten ran on top of what Vegeta was barbecuing, and then they started chasing him to?”

Trunks laughed.  “Yeah, and I was absent for about 3 days because me, Goten, and Vegeta all had little infections?”

Marron smiled.  “Yeah, and I brought you guys make up work from school.” Trunks replied with a nod.

“Did you actually have fun tonight with James?” Trunks asked, looking down at her.

“Yeah, I actually had fun on a date.” Marron giggled.  “I usually ditch them.” Marron paused.  “The only date I remember not ditching was when I went to my freshman and sophomore homecoming, and spring dance with you.”

Trunks looked up.  “I didn’t actually think you’d have fun tonight, I was actually jealous to tell you the truth.”

“Why is that?” Marron asked.

“She just kept bitching about her brother, and babbling on about her rich family, and her summer house in Florida, bla, bla, bla.”

Marron rolled her eyes.  “I told you she was a social climber.”

“I didn’t say she was a social climber, I just think she likes to impress me to much.”

“Whatever, that is the definition of a social climber.”

“No it’s not.”

“Yes it is Trunks.”

They looked at each other.  “You know, there’s something weird about you…well tonight I mean.” Trunks said.

“I observed the same thing Prez.” They paused and kept silent again.  “Do you know what Nay told me before I left with James?” Marron said breaking the silence.


“She said ‘Trunks social climber girlfriend, and your asshole boyfriend should be dancing with each other’.”

Trunks smirked.  “Goten told me ‘Are you sure you aren’t mad because you aren’t driving Marron home like you usually do on homecoming nights’.”

“I thought you hated it when you had to drive me home, and you couldn’t be left alone with our girlfriend?”

“I do.” Trunks said.  “But I wouldn’t have hated it tonight anyway.”

“Why wouldn’t you?”

“Because my date is as boring as you.”

Marron punches him on the shoulder.  “Whatever!  I’m way better than her!  And you know it.”

“She’s prettier than you.”

“Whatever, I’m prettier than her.” Marron said.  She stood up and sat on his lap.  She looked at him straight in the eye.  “Look at me, and tell me that I’m prettier than her.”

Trunks laughed.  “You’re taking this way to seriously.”

“I take everything seriously.”

Trunks rolled his eyes.

“Come on Trunks!”

“Fine.” He looked at her closely.  His gaze stopped on her lips.


Next thing Marron knew, she was kissing deeply in a full kiss with Trunks.  And she couldn’t stop it…even though she wanted to.  What am I doing?!  Oh my god!!!!!

She pushed him off, and stood up.


Marron blushed deeply. “I’m going to go home.”

“Why??”  Trunks stood up.

“I shouldn’t be kissing you!  Besides, we both have like a person…or I mean relationships with other people, and…” She looked at him.  “I can’t be kissing my best friend…it’s just wrong.”

“Wrong?” Trunks looked at her.  “You liked it, admit it!”  Trunks’ tone seemed like he was joking around.  It didn’t seem like he was being serious.

“You kissed me!  I didn’t kiss you!”  Marron’s tone on the other hand was serious.

Trunks’ face got serious.  “What’s your problem?  It was just a kiss.”

“Where is this conversation going?  Nowhere.”  She walked to her car.

“You can’t take it back.  A kiss, is a kiss.”

“Leave me alone.”  Marron walked to her car, then back to Trunks.  “And you’re an asshole you know.” Marron started walking to her car again.

“I’m an asshole because we kissed?”

Marron stopped and faced him.  “Why are you making such a big deal out of this kiss thing, anyway?!”

“Roonz, I’m not the one making a big deal out of this, you are.”

“No I’m not.”

“Yes you are, it was just a kiss between best friends…”

“No it wasn’t!”

“Why wouldn’t it be?”

“Because a kiss between best friends would be just meaningless and we’d forget about it.” Marron said.  What am I saying?!

Trunks looked a little shocked.  “It means something to you???”

“No!  Well…”

Trunks kept silent.

“I’m leaving.”  Marron drove off.  You are such a dumb ass Marron!  You don’t go around kissing your best friend while you have a boyfriend of your own!  That is just plain…wrong!  Maybe I’m making a big deal out of this…and I shouldn’t.

Trunks watched her storm off.  It meant something?