The next morning Marron woke up before everybody else; at 6. She got
up and went out to tend to her horses. She was out talking to Red Lightning
when something caught his attention. She didn't pay much attention to it,
but then she heard footsteps. She looked toward it, trying not to make
herself visible. She saw a tall dark shadow walking toward her. She shrank
back into the dark corner and watched as it walked past the stall. It paused
and looked in the stall then continued
on it's journey out of the barn. Marron stood up and looked at the
creature. There was something familiar about it.
"Good morning."
"Where is this place that you said I could go to?"
"Follow me." she took Flash out of his stall and got on his back. She led Vegeta out to the back of their land. Through the wood he followed her and the horse, hovering slightly above the ground. She took him to a small clearing in the group of trees. It had it's own creek. He didn't say anything so Marron believed he was satisfied so she turned to leave him alone.
"Bye." He mumbled as she left.
"Good bye."
They returned to the barn and Trunks was getting Shadow Walker ready to ride.
"Going out for a morning ride?"
"Well...uh....actually... I guess so." he shrugged. He got on and they
trotted toward Cori's
"This is where that girl that screamed in your ear lives. We'll stay away from here for a while." she told him. He smiled his thanks. "You know she said I am lucky."
"She said something like 'I have the worlds richest bachelor falling all over me' I think."
"Really?! I wonder who he is. I'd like to meet him." he teased.
The rooster crowed on Cori's farm.
"That means it is 7. Come on. It's my turn to make breakfast." She turned her horse toward the barn as did Trunks and they took off toward the barn. They unsaddled Shadow Walker and brushed both of the horses and then they ran up to the house. Marron got out a huge bowl and all the ingredients needed to make 50 pancakes.
"I can make the pancakes. You make something else." Trunks told her. She looked at him but agreed and decided that they would like some orange juice while the adults would like some coffee. She started some coffee in the coffee pot and then started to hand squeeze orange juice.
Some of the juice squirted into one of Marron's eyes. She shrieked then started to laugh. Trunks looked over at her and she was cracking up. Her face was red and he started to laugh at her. Krillin came in thinking something was wrong. He ended up laughing at the 2 of them. The 3 of them cracking up drew in every one else that was in the house down to the kitchen. That ridiculous sight had everyone else laughing harder than Marron and Trunks were at the very beginning. The moms finished cooking while everyone else found out what was so funny, which really wasn't. The pancakes were eventually served and they were gone almost instantly.
"Has anyone seen Vegeta?" Bulma asked.
"Yes. I took him out to his secret spot."
"Oh. Well at least he'll have some time to himself." she giggled.
"Well, what do you have planned for us today?" Bra asked her blonde friend.
"We are going to find out what else this town has other than a grocery store." she told her.
They all ran out of the house and got in Marron's convertible.
"We aren't going to risk anything this time." Marron smiled at Goten and Trunks. Bra was completely confused but she got over it. Marron drove as fast as possible past Cori's house and went straight to the main part of town. They found some antique shops and that it actually had a movie theater and a bowling alley.
"WOW! This is a real happin' place." Trunks teased her.
"I know. That's why I spend all my time with the horses. Well lets head home. Your parents will be leaving soon."
They were heading out to the car when Cori pops up out of nowhere. "Hi." she chirped. "Oh, my God. You're Trunks." She turned to Marron, "I thought your boyfriend just sounded like him and that he was pretending to be him."
"Gee, now I really think you'll trust me from now on. Anyway we need to get going." Marron said pulling Trunks to her car and Bra pulled Goten toward the car. They pushed the guys into the enclosed backseat and they girls got in the front.
"What! I need to go get my friends. Hey I'll meet you back at your house."
"Ok." Marron took off. "Alright. Thank Dende that this is a Capsule car. When we get home I'll close this up, tell my mom our plan then we run to back into the woods and hide in there."
They zipped home and executed her plan. They waited back in the milk
house for 2 hours and then snuck out for dinner after they got Vegeta.
Once they finished eating they ran up to her room, locked the door and
stayed in there till morning. Of course, they fell asleep in each other's
arms with Luke guarding the door incase anyone happened to get in.