( Goten, Trunks, Bra, and Pan were up in a region with lots of............. cliffs.)
Goten: Wow! Look at that. Isn't it beautiful?
Trunks: Yeah.
Pan: Trunks! Aren't those black berries over there?
Trunks: Uh huh. Why?
Pan: Can we go pick some? Pretty please.......
Trunks: I guess.
Bra: Bring some back, please.
Goten: Why don't you go with them? ( Pan and Trunks had already walked out of hearing range.)
Bra: Well, because they have to walk through poison ivy to get to the
berries and it's gonna take them a while to get
over ther and back.
Goten: You should have told them.
Bra: They were out of hearing distance before I could, anyways why would
I want to tell Trunks.( Bra was walking
along the edge of a cliff.)
Goten: Be careful.
Bra: I am being care.... ( Just then Bra's foot slipped on a loose rock.
She started falling off the cliff when Goten
caught her by the ankle. Now you must realize that gravity will work
it's effects and Bra was wearing a mini skirt. Just
add up the obvious. Trunks and Pan had heard her screaming so they
had started back. Finally, Goten got her up
on level ground. Bra layed on the ground, refusing to open her eyes.)
( Trunks and Pan had made it back and what was this? You can imagine
what they thought at the sight of Goten
sitting beside Bra who was laying uncontious with her skirt pulled
up a little too high. The berries that Pan and
Trunks had gathered in their shirts' by making a pouch at the bottom
were suddenly scattered on the ground.
Nobody said anything for a while.)
Goten: I can explain.......... really.
Trunks: .....................
Pan: ................................... ( Bra began to wake up. As
she noticed how high up her skirt was going she started
blushing and pulled it down.)
Pan: Bra......... What exactly happened?
Bra: Well.................. I slipped on a rock and................... ( Bra was cut off.)
Goten: She nearly fell over the edge until.................. ( Bra took over for him.)
Bra: He grabbed me by the ankle and pulled me back up.
( Trunks and Pan looked at each other, not knowing if they should believe
the two. Trunks helped Goten up off the
ground, still a little doubtful. Suddenly Trunks had to scratch his
Bra: Oh yeah. Did you guys know you walked through poison ivy while going over to the blackberries?
Trunks & Pan: What?!?! Poison ivy?!?! Oh no!!!!!