(MasterRochi,Oolong,Puar and Krill were at the kame House that day.Oolong and Par were inside and MasterRochi was reading the newspaper. Just then,krillan came out.)
Krillan/Hello MasterRochi.Notice
anything new about me?
kno-hey!Who're you?!
Krillan/It's me Krillan!Don't
you already know that?
MasterRochi/You can't
be Krillan.Krillan is as bald as a doorknob.
Krillan/Not anymore.I
used hair grow for men.It really works.
think I could use some?I have a couple ugly bald spots on my head.
(Just then Gohan arived.)
(adult)Gohan/Hey MasterRochi,Oolong
and Puar.What's up?
about me?
Gohan/Hey,who's the
new guy?
Gohan/Hey,you can't
be Krillan.Krillan is bald and beautiful.
Krillan/Not anymore.I
used hairgrow for men and it really works.
(The Briefs family arived and laughed at Krillan.)
Vegeta/My hair looks
better than that!
Bulma/It always had
Trunks/Sorry Krillan
but I can't help it.
Yoko/Krillan it's
not that bad.
Krillan/At least
Yoko arived.
(More people arrived.)
Krillan/Hello Marron.Give
daddy a hug.
mommy who's that weird man?!Help help!He's trying to kidnap me!
#18/Don't say stuff
like that.It's your father. Guys!There's no time!Cell is here!We gotta
fight him!
(All the men blasted off for the fight.Yoko was about to go when Bulma stopped her.)
Bulma/Yoko you stay
Yoko/Why?I wanna
go fight with Trunks.
you must be a proper lady.
(On the Battle Field.........)
Cell/Well well well
if it isn't the Z fighters.
Goku/We're here to
whoop your heinie.
head!You grew hair!
Krillan/Yes.I used
hair grow for men.It really works.
know I used to like you when you were bald but now... URGH!Begone with
your hair!
(Cell formed a distructo disk and buzzed off all of Krillan's hair with it.)
Krillan/My hair!My
beautiful hair!WWAAAAAAHHHHH!!
Gohan/Krillan's hair
is gone!He's bald again!Let's all celebrate!
Krillan/You guys
don't get it!!All my life I've always wanted hair and now I got and now
(Krillan flew back to the kame House.)
Goku/Krillan wait!!!!!
(Back at the Kame House....)
Krillan/Nothing will
make me happy ever again.
that big valentines party you had?
Trunks/The one where
Yoko gave me the best valentine,since I love her).
#18/I bet having
a party will cheer you up.
fun decorating.Let's go!
Gohan/Hey I have
a mansion,why don't we have it there!
Krillan/Great idea!We'll
have food,music and invitations!Everyone let's all get to work!
yoyo Yoko clocks' alarm went off.His clock was a regualar alarm clock but
it had a Yoko figure on the top.Everytime the alarm went off the Yoko figure
would be yoyoing her
yoyo.The alarm made an "AWOO-GA!!"noise.Trunks
flicked the Yoko figures head and it began to say "Trunks I hate you!OO
your awesome and the best!")
Trunks/Yes your the
best too Yoko.
(Trunks awoke from his bed.)
Bra/Oh Trunks here's
something for you.Our entire family got one.)
Trunks/Let me see
that brat.
(Trunks opened the envelope
and saw a card.)
Trunks/It says...........
Come to Krillan's party.It
has music food and friends and everything there.
Where:Gohan's big mansion
on OrangeRD
When:From 11:00 to midnight.
And blah blah blah.
Cool!I'd like to come to
this party.And I bet you-know-who Kisomaki is there too.Whoa!It's almost
11:00!I better get ready.
(Trunks took a show and then
looked in his closet for something to wear.)
Trunks/Let's see......I'll
wear My black tanktops,my cacki cargo pants,and my favorite boots.
(Trunks slipped those on.)
Trunks/I better go super saiyan cause I look cuter that way.
(He went to super saiyan level 2.)
Trunks/NO!The other
supersaiyan level!Level 1!I look more awesome.
(He went to super saiyan
level 1.His blonde cool hair was there.)
Trunks/And last but
not least....some colone for you-know-who.
(Trunks went to the party.)
forgot your................belt.
(So,Trunks went to the party
where his mother was already at(she helped decorate).)
Goten/Hey yo!Trunks!Over
Trunks/Hey Goten.You
look awesome.
Goten/So do you.
Trunks/And don't
think I'd forget the lovely Yoko.You look fantastic.
Yoko/You do too and
you smell nice.
and smiles::Hey,is Anzel here?
Yoko/He got an invitation
but he got sick.
Anzel it would'nt be the same.He's my man.
Goten/Well I'm gonna
get some more pizza.
(Goes over to the pizza
box and takes all the pizza.)
Pan/Goten you are
such a pizza pig!!!
Goten/So what.Your
a Pan-cake party pooper!
Marron/Hello TUR-runks!
(Trunks' pants fell down,by
themselves,and there,again,was the Goku underwear.Then Vegeta saw them.)
Trunks/Hey!My pants!Uh-oh,I
must've forgot my belt!!
(Vegeta pulled out his portable
flamethrower and chased Trunks,who was running with his pants down.ThenTrunks
went into the bathroom and locked the door.)
Trunks/Oh shoot!!How
could I have forgotten my belt!And what's even worse is that the girl of
my dreams saw my underwear.
(Just then Bra came.)
Bra/Hi Yoko I love
that color on your dress.Well if you see Trunks here's his belt.I tried
to tell him he lost it.
(Trunks came out of the
bathroom.He looked for Vegeta.)
Trunks/Good,dad isn't
Vegeta/Oh son.
Vegeta/I won't.Here
slip on my underwear over that stupid Kakarott underwear.
(Trunks did it.Then Vegeta turned on his flamethrower.)
(The flame went threw the Vegeta underwear and burned the Goku underwear.Then Trunk went over to Yoko.)
your belt.Bra gave it to me.
Trunks/Thankyou Yoko!::hugs
her and kisses her cheek::
Trunks/Your a lifesaver!!!
(Trunks went in the bathroom.)
Trunks/These are
cargo shorts with big pocket on the size.These pockets are big enough to
put a secret stash of Goku underwear.
(Trunks put on the Goku
underwear,and took of the Vegeta ones,and put on his shorts and belt.Trunks
came out and joined his friends.Then suddenly a girl with headphones and
short hair and overalls came.)
Krillan/Oh good,our
disjocky is here.
(The disjocky came up to
Krillan and gave him noogies.)
Rita/Hey Krillan.Your
still bald.Heh hehe.Thanks for lettin me be your disjocky.
Krillan/your still
my best friend Rita.
goku/BEST friend?!
Krillan/Best friend
that's a girl.
Rita/So your Goku.Krillan's
told me about you and I've seen you fight at the tournaments.You rock.
(So Rita got the music.)
(Trunks was talking to his
friends when Marron popped up.)
Marron/Hello TUR-runks!
(Marron kicked his behind.)
Trunks/THAT'S IT!!!!
(Trunks took Marron outside
and when he came back in Marron was crying.)
Marron/Daddy daddy!Weeweeeweee!!!Trunks-
Krillan/Not now honey.Everyone
may I have your attention!
(Everyone got his attention.)
Krillan/Right now
you can all sign up to attend our annual dance contest!
Vegeta/Dance contest,that
reminds me,he should be here right now.
(Just then "BOOM!"Right
threw the wall Freeza,Napa and Cell came out.)
Vegeta/That must
be him.
Freeza/Having a party
without us?How rude.
Krillan/Were you
Freeza/No,but we
are coming when we want.
Goku/Hi guys.
Krillan/You guys
want any trouble you'll have to deal with Goku.
Cell/All we wanted
was to be in your party.
Napa/Can we attend
your party?
(They all made puppy dog/bambi
Krillan/Oh fine.
said something about the dance contest.
Krillan/Freeza will
start out with the sign up sheet.
(While Goten was pigging out on pizza everyone else was signing up.)
Vegeta/Come on Napa.
Napa/Guess what everyone,we're
Napa/Sorry Vegeta.
(They went into the bathroom.)
everyone!The annual dance contest will now begin.Our first contestants
are Vegeta and Napa with the disco!!!
(Vegeta and Napa slid onto
the stage on their knees and they were in disco suits with the disco shoes.)
Vegeta/Saturday night
fever baby!!!
Napa/Let's get funky!
Krillan/And the challengers
are......Freeza and Cell with the disco!!
(Both of them came out in
disco suits too.)
stole our act!!
Freeza/Did not!!You
stole ours!!
(They song they were to
dance to was "I'm gonna Get you".)
Freeza/Why miss yo
time!You know ya gonna be mine!You know ya gonna be mine!You know yo gonna
Vegeta/Don't sing
along with the music fool!!!!
(First Vegeta and Napa snapped their fingers with the beat they began to do the disco.Freeza and Cell only did the moonwalk.Then Vegeta shook his boody and Napa continued with the disco.When the music got to the fast parts Vegeta was dodging all the tiny beams that Freeza shot at him.Freeza chased Vegeta while Vegeta was doing the moonwalk.When freeza got to him Vegeta was walking backward and the freeza followed him and Vegeta walked backwards away from him again.Then suddenly,Freeza tripped on his tail and fell.)
Krillan/Vegeta and
Napa are the winners!!Our next contestant is.....
Yoko and Trunks with the
(Yoko and Trunks came out
in formal dresses.They boys rooted for Yoko and booed Trunks.)
on her side!
(The boys were silent.....then
booed at him again.)
Yoko/Please stop
booing my best friend!!!
(They stopped.Then Yoko
and Trunks did the Tango.Trunks had a rose in his mouth and Yoko was sorta
pulling him along the way.trunks got comfy and did it.)
Krillan/They did
a great job!NO mistakes!
Yoko/You did awesome
Trunks/No you did.
Krillan/The next
person is........Tien and Chao-zu,with the macarena!!!
(The music sprung on as
Tien and Chao-zu did the macarena.)
next is my cute little peach blossom....Marron with her ballet preformance!
Marron/Hello everyone!!
(Marron jumped out in a
pink tootoo with toeshoes.The song was "American Pie",bye Madonna.)
Marron/A long,long
time ago,if I can still remember..dum dum dum dum da!
(When the real spacy part
came on she started to jump around doing the ballet.Then she jumped up
and landed on Trunks' foot.Trunks was hurt.)
Marron/We started
singin,bye bye american pie,from the shevi to the levi and the levi is
pie,and good ol boys a drinkin whiskey and wine singin this will be the
day that I die!!!Singin this will be the day that die!!!
(Then Marron finished her
dance,curtseyed,and went off the stage.)
Marron/Thankyou everyone!!
Krillan/Next is......Chichi
and Bulma with the Can-can!
(Bulma and Chichi came out
in can-can dresses and kicked their legs up and down.Everyone was lookin
up and down,up and down.)
(But Trunks and Goten were
a little too close so their mothers ended up kicking their faces.)
Chichi/Sorry Goten.
Bulma/Sorry Trunks.
(Trunks and Goten were on
the floor covering their kicked faces.More dances occured.Kaiou of the
east and #18 did rain dancing,and they had real native suits on.Kame and
Mr.Popo did square dancing.Pan and Gohan did the Russian dance.Goten and
Ubuu did Irish dancing.)
Krillan/That is the
en-no!Wait a minute!There are two more anonymous contestants!Where can
they be?
(Then suddenly Krillan disappeared.Then
out popped Goku,in baggy pants,gold chains and a shirt and he had sunglasses
Goku/Hey!Wuz up ma
(Then Krillan popped up.He
had the same thing Goku was wearing only a leather jacket and a raphat
Krillan/Let's get
this party kicking home-G!!!
(Then the song "All-star"by
Smashmouth came on and they did free dancing.Goku and Krillan danced.Krillan
jumped on Goku's head and twirled around then jumped off.Then they both
did some real cool moves.)
made my decision.I decided that Goku and Krillan are the winners!
(So for the rest of the day
everyone pigged out and did fireworks(Trunks blasted off with a fircracker
and when he came back down her was all burnt).