The Power Within: Fight For The Future
By: Megami Tsuki


Disclaimer: Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z/GT and Gundam Wing all belong to their own respective companies. Aeris, Natalie and Adrian belong to me. If you would like to use them e-mail me at:
Aegis and Nova long to Blair Weakland. If you want to use them, e-mail her at:


This is a crossover between Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z/GT and Gundam Wing, it is rated R for several things (i.e. language, violence, yaoi, yuri and lime).


Prologue Death’s Rebirth


Deep in a temple, lost in the ancient forest, shrouded by mystery, a solitary man prays to the sacred flame. The fire begins to singe the old, degraded man’s hair, as he snaps out of his prayer. “I must prevent the destruction.” his cryptic voice rang through the temple. He races down the stone halls of the shrine, praying silently to himself all the way. As he rounds the last corner, he can feel his crotchety, wrinkled legs start to become weak. He stops in front of large double doors, they obviously represent something wonderful and worthy of worship, they are made of pure marble and crafted and craved into every crevice of the large doors are symbols and ancient writing, which, if could be read by the normal, mortal human being, would tell how truly important the treasures and secrets are, beyond the marble doors. He uses all of the strength he can summon within himself to push on of the thirteen foot doors open.
He steps inside and all that rests in the stone room is a slab. Although, one must always remember: looks can be deceiving. He steps up the seven stairs, and comes to a stop at the front of the stone slab. The old man then rests his scaly hands upon the cold stone. All that is heard is cracking, as the rugged stone begins to glow in a deep silver and blue color, the light becomes to bright for the old man to see and he stumbles and falls down the rock hard, seven stairs.
As the light calms down, the elderly man slowly stands but continues to hide his eyes. When he was finally able to stand, he saw that the original stone slab had become a beautifully crafted marble slab, that was a remarkable resemblance to a flower. Upon it was the ancient prediction, that had been inscribed there eons before this current time. He climbed the stairs and once again, put his hands upon the, now beautiful, slab. Has he grazed the cool stone, he recited the ancient prediction, “When Darkness creeps upon the Earth. Seeds evolve into flowers. A sign of help, redemption and cleansing, is seen in the sacred flame - an object of power. Darkness begins, and the five of power, shall be released by order of the Holy Ancients.
Holy, Darkness, Destruction, The Elements and The Unknown. Combined their power could prove more destructive than the Queen of Darkness, Vega, herself. Yet, out of the five, only one can release the sacred power - the angel. All shall be consumed in Darkness, and one by one the protectors of the solar system and Queen of Light, shall fall, leaving behind only the neo senshi. Together, the ultimate sacrifice shall be completed. Times combine and lost loves are rejoined. Yet, Earth has but one hope.” he sighed, he had to release the powers of Darkness and Destruction. A sudden chill ran threw his body, “I sense evil...Darkness has been released.” he ran, that’s all he could do, he felt the evil behind him. If only he could make it to the prayer room, surely the presence of the Holy powers could save him.
If only he had enough strength. Closer and closer, it was catching up. The doors! He was so close. “Arg!” his one hope was gone...he had tripped. The presence of this Satanic power overwhelmed him, and he was covered in shadows, not a thing could be seen. When the evil left his body, all that was left was ashes. It took form, leaving behind a beautiful woman, with navy blue hair, streaked with black, her eyes were black and she wore a simple black dress with two slits up both sides that stopped around her upper thigh, there was an inner skirt that was navy and matched her hair, she smirked and her evil voice spook to no one, except the temple walls, “That old man was a fool! His religious and Holy energy was perfect for my rebirth. Now, arise my minions, taint this place of worship and serve your queen!
I Vega, the Queen of Darkness, shall dissolve this blue pearl, called Earth! First, I must find the mystical five of power, they are the only ones who have the ability to challenge my extreme power. But how? Where to start? I shall deal with them later. Now, my feared demons, start your mission!” Vega ended her speech with a laughter worse than the greatest of villains, it sounded full of hate, dominance, control and above all evil. From where she stood, several dozens of black shadow demons filled the ancient temple and took it’s blessed spirits and destroyed them.
You could almost hear the cries of the spirits, none worse than those of the Holy Ancients, protectors of the ancient temple since their death, for they were born with the Earth and died to remain as protectors. Earth’s hope rested in the ancient power of the undiscovered angel. If Vega got her first, Earth would perish. It had begun.

**Time for author's notes! Okay, this is a prologue, nothing really happened....but I would like to know what people think, the more feedback I get, the more I write. But, I hope you liked it! It's my first try. Remember to tell me what you think at:, oh yeah, just so you know, there will be new characters in this story, five to be exact, and just so you know, if you e-mail me and tell me your thoughts, make sure to tell me who I should bring into the Sailor Moon dimension first...the DBZ crew or the Gundam pilots. I think DBZ, but tell me who you want and you get it - Megami Tsuki**
