Something was bothering Trunks.  Marron could tell.  He’d been acting strange ever since he had picked her up.
 “So, uh, you look nice, Marron,” he said.
 “Thank you,” she replied with a smile.  For the fourth time.
 “Um, do you want to go for a walk?”
 Marron sighed. “After we finish dinner, maybe.  But we just ordered, Trunks.”
 “Oh, right, dinner.”
 “Trunks, what’s wrong?”
 “Wrong?  Nothing’s wrong.”
 She just raised an eyebrow at him.
 “Well, I…oh, look, here comes the waiter with our food!  Thank you,” Trunks said as the man set the food down.
 “Of course, sir.”
 “How’s your steak, Marron?”
 “Good, good.  Your salmon?”
 Trunks nodded. “Pretty good.  So, uh, how’s the family?”
 Marron sighed again. “Just fine.  Yours?” she added.
 “Tousan and Kaasan are good, but I’m a little worried about Bra.  She’s acting a little like she did when she came back from the future.”
 Marron nodded. “Oh?”
 “Yeah, quiet and withdrawn.  And she’s never been back to her normal self.”
 “Well, Trunks, a lot happened to her in the future.  And our time wasn’t that great, either.”
 “Yeah, that’s true.” Trunks sighed. “So, how is your family?”
 Marron blew out her breath. “Just.  Fine,” she said, slowly and clearly.
 “I asked that already, didn’t I?”
 “Three times.”
 “Oops,” he said sheepishly. “Sorry.”
 Marron smiled at him. “It’s okay.”
 “So, um, are you done?”
 Marron looked at the half-eaten steak. Well, who wants to finish dinner anyway? she thought and nodded. “Yes, I’m full.”
 “Okay.  Okay.  Okay.  Um, want to walk?”
 Clearly, he had forgotten she was in heels.  She barely suppressed a sigh and nodded again. “Okay, let’s.”
 He stood up and got her chair.  Then, as they left, he held the door for her.  “Um, around the lake?”
 “Sure, why not?”
 Trunks knew he was sweating. Why am I so nervous?  It’s not like she’ll say no…will she?
 “Trunks, are you okay?”
 “Huh?  Oh, yeah, yeah.”
 “Are you sure?  You look like you’re almost in pain.”
 “No, no.  It’s…nothing.  Um, look, aren’t the stars nice?”
 When Marron looked away and up, Trunks let his breath out, closed his eyes, and kneeled.
 “Yes, they are very—Trunks, what are you doing?”
 Trunks’ breathing was labored as he pulled the small, black, velvet box from his pocket and opened it.
 Marron’s eyes widened, her mouth dropped, and her hand flew up as he showed her a solitary diamond about as big as a marble. “Oh…”
 “Um, I can’t be anything but myself, and I can only think of one way to ask, so, uh, Marron-chan, will you, uh, marry me?” he asked nervously.
 She stood staring at him for so long Trunks began to be afraid that she was going to say no.  Then, “Oh, YES!” she exclaimed, and threw her arms around his neck.  She closed her eyes, but two tears squeezed out. “Oh, I was afraid you would never ask!”
 Trunks stood up, with some difficulty, as Marron wouldn’t release her grip on him, and shook his head. “Oh, no.  I just wanted to ask in the right way and I never could think of the right way, so I just kinda put it off.” He looked at the ring and back at her. “Do you—do you like it?  We can get another one if you don’t.”
 She was shaking her head before he even finished. “Oh, no!  No!  This one is beautiful, I love it, you picked it out, I’d love to wear it.”
 He grinned in relief. “I’m glad you like it.” He disengaged her arms from around his neck and slid the ring on her left hand and grinned in relief. “I was so nervous.”
 “I could tell.”
 “You could?”
 “You told me I looked nice four times and asked how my family was three.  You’re not that absent-minded, but I was halfway afraid you wanted to break up with me.”
 “Oh, no!  Never, ever.”
 Marron looked down at the ring. “Well, you’re stuck with me now, so you better get used to it.”
 “Heck, I’ve been waiting for this for about three years now, but you were in college and I thought that we should wait…”
 She put her finger to his lips. “Don’t.  I’ve been perfectly happy.  I graduated two weeks ago, and now I’m engaged.  This would be absolutely perfect except for one thing.”
 “What’s wrong?”
 “Well, you’re not holding me.  You’re holding my hand, which isn’t bad, but…”
 He smiled at her and kissed her. “I really love you, Marron,” he said as he slid his arms around her.
 She kissed him back and leaned into his embrace. “And I love you, too.”

(= Ree: Sappy and sentimental?  Probably.  But I’ve always wanted to write a proposal that way, so if you don’t like it, you can just BITE ME.  Have a nice day! =) 



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