Marron sat with her Death by chocolate, and
Bra sat with her Banana Split. Bra stared at Marron’s ice cream. It was
practically chocolate on chocolate. It was chocolate ice cream mixed with
hot fudge on top of chocolate whip cream underneath chocolate chips. And
to give it a nice touch, it was topped with mocca sprinkles. In blunt terms,
Marron was happily enjoying her treat.. Bra had barely taken a bite of
her own from staring at Marron. “Why do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Stir up you ice cream. It’s melting”
“I want it that way.” Marron answered matter-of-factly.
“So I can have chocolate chip soup.” She grinned
"Morning ladies” Someone called out. They
both turned to see who it was.
Goten and Trunks came walking towards them.
“Hi guys.” Bra greeted. Marron smiled and
went back to her stirring.
Goten pulled up two chairs to their table
and sat down. “Hey, what’s Marron doing?” he asked.
“Making a mess.” Bra replied using a napkin
to wipe up some of the ice cream that had dribbled onto the table.
“Gomen.” Muttered Marron. “I guess I’m just
“Hey that’s right.” Trunks said. “It’s your
birthday, isn’t it?”
“Well happy birthday!”
“Hey Marron,” Goten said, “I went to the
mall and found two things and I couldn’t decide which one to get you. So
I got you both.”
“Yeah. Here you can open one now, but the
other waits till tonight.” He handed her a small package tied with a pink
She unwrapped it and uncovered a small black
box. Taking off the lid, she gasped. Inside was a silver chain and hanging
on the chain was a tiny, glass, pink rose.
“Oh Marron, it’s beautiful.” Breathed Bra.
“Oh thank you, goten!” Marron jumped up and
hugged him.
Goten grinned, “I guess you’ll like the other
“Man, Goten, just how much money did you
spend?” Trunks asked.
Goten shrugged. “Enough.”
“So, What’s that stuff taste like?” Trunks
asked reaching over to Marron’s bowl with a spoon.
“You won’t find out, ‘cause it’s my ice cream
and I intend to eat it all.”
Marron replied giggling and moving her bowl
away from him.
“Oh is that so?” And with that Trunks scooped
up a chunk of banana out of Bra’s ice cream and flung it at Marron hitting
her right in the forehead.
“Hey!” Both girls yelped in unison, and while
she wiped the gooey banana off her face, Marron scooped up a pile of near-melted
chocolate chips and aimed it at the boys who were too busy laughing hysterically
to realize what was happening. So, Goten and Trunks found their face, hair,
and clothes dotted with chocolate. And not a second later, a food fight
was formed.
----------------------------------- 5 minutes later ---------------------------------
“I can’t believe they kicked us out!” Laughed
Marron. “We were having fun!”
They were all caked with ice cream and various
“I can.” Bra said. “We were wild in there!”
“I know!” Goten said. “Let’s go to the pool,
were dirty enough.”
"Okay, let's go!"