#18 flew off the Celestial Tower. Indifferent
for Krilin's feelings. He
stood stand and almost frozen. Did she
just said 'see you later' for
fun or what? He left the tower too; he
went to Kame House. He wanted to
think; also he wanted to fight someone,
someone weaker than him. In the
way he founds Vegeta that was going to
Capsule Corp., Krilin, like
wanted to get killed told Vegeta to stop.
Vegeta didn't. So Krilin throw
him a kame hame ha...
Meanwhile, in the middle of nowhere, #18
found his brother. She told
him who killed Cell. And how Krilin wished
such a thing. "Maybe fall in
loooove" #17 said laughing at his sister.
She got angry an almost hit
him, but was red enough to say that maybe
was true. "I... I... don't love
him!" She yelled at her brother. Then
like a 'sorry' she said "Maybe
he's cute... but not to fall in love."
He couldn't stop a full-mouthed
laugh, making his sister angry again.
Then, they stop as they feel Krilin
and Vegeta's 'kis'. #18 looked at her
left and said "What is he... what
are they doing?" "I don't know, seems
like your boyfriend is very nuts!
You want to go to see if... he's OK?"
Asked #17. "No... he'll be all
right. Now..." She felt that Krilin was
hurt badly. "Let's GO!" she
yelled and went flying as fast as she
At the fight, Krilin was almost death.
Vegeta didn't realize that he
was attacking Krilin, until he heard his
voice. Vegeta went very
surprised at Krilin. "What are you trying
to do? To get yourself killed? What
the..." He was kicked by #18, who was
trying to 'hide' from Krilin. But
it didn't work. He saw her, she saw him;
they both were starring at
each other. Her brother told her to hurry;
he grabbed Krilin and said,
"You know... that my sister likes you?
She thinks you're... 'cute'" Krilin
looked how #18 started yelling at her
brother. He laughed and said
"What a lie" and then he pass out. They
went to Celestial Temple and then
returned to the woods.
Krilin woke up, for his surprise, all his
friends were there, including
Vegeta. He went first to talk with him,
"I'm sorry... you just...
jumped out of nowhere and fired me a kame
hame ha... so I..." Krilin
interrupted him: "No, I'm sorry" Vegeta
didn't know what to say. "I was very
out of me, but, tell me the truth... my...
attack...? It DID hurt you,
right?" Vegeta said 'yes', and then he
went back to the other side of
the room. "Were am I, anyway?" He asked.
Bulma just said. "#18... She
dropped you here, with her brother...
and she... said... 'Get well'.
That's what she said. But I think her
brother forced her to say that" She
looked at Krilin to find out that he wasn't
Krilin's runaways are not common, thought
Bulma. She was worried about
his friend; she loved him like the brother
she never had. Krilin DID
love #18. She only said "Krilin, what
a strange person. He loves her very
much, he can't accept a 'no' from anybody.
I just hope that she won't
kill his heart" "Enough! Stop talking
about him! Krilin, what a nerd!"
Yelled Vegeta. But then he started talking
about him too "Well, what do
we know? Let's see... he's in love, he
went after her, but she doesn't
love him; and the stupid knows that!"
Bulma knew that Vegeta was
worried for Krilin.
"I don't want to fight!" Yelled Krilin
at #18, then he landed in
forest. He sat down on the floor and began
to think. She suddenly appeared,
not knowing why. Why am I doing this anyway?
I could let him here and
laugh a lot! But... I can't. I think I
love him. LOVE! Come on #18!
You're not like that! She finally spoke
"I think... we... can... be...
just... friends! Don't you think so?"
He didn't answered, because he knew
that if he begun to talk, he would let
out a sad cry. He didn't look at
her either. But he didn't need to speak
to cry; he started crying
without a sound or movement. She sat down
beside him, and then she realized
that... she love him. "Or maybe not. We
can be... more than... just
friends." He saw her beautiful face, but
he didn't want to screw it up.
"W... what... do you... mean... 'more
than just friends'?" He didn't mean
to say it. "Sorry, I don't..." Before
he could finish his sentence, she
NOW?" #17 yelled at them from
the sky. They both looked up and... Well...
they saw #17... with Gohan!
LOOKING the KISS! What a way to start
for our couple.
"You think we should go somewhere else?"
Asked Krilin. A pretty stupid
question. The answer was YES! So they
flew off at top speed. But they
were followed by the little Gohan, as
stupid as his father he only
wanted to know what the hell was going
on? Why Krilin have to be kissing
after what she said to him? Was he nuts
or what? "Hey! You two, what the
hell is going on?" But no answer, they
kept flying at top speed. Later,
Krilin gave him a "Go do your homework,
Gohan!" What the hell is going
on with this guy? And she's pretty nuts
too! She called him 'old man'!
And now they're kissing? This is a really
really strange day.
They were flying to somewhere, "Why did
you kissed me?" He asked her,
he was almost dying to know why. He was
happy, but disturb about this.
"I mean, you DID call me an 'old man',
why did you kissed the old man
anyway?" "Because... you're cute. Besides,
you were sad, I thought that
the kiss will cheer you up" She smiled.
"You're very worried about that,
aren't you?" Smiled again. Krilin's face
turned red, very red. She let
go a laugh. He didn't know what to do,so
he laughed too. "I love you
#18" She turned her head to see if his
face was red, but it didn't.
Actually he was smiling at her; she was
the one with the red face now. "I'm
going to Kame's, if you don't want to
come it's fine. Maybe that creepy
Roshi is going to disturb you. And I have
to say that he IS pervert
when a beautiful woman... is in his house"
He suddenly stopped in the
middle of the air "Well, bye!" He went
very red. And then he hear her voice
calling him "Bye, come back here TOMORROW!"
He then asked "It's this a
date?!" She screamed "YES!" YES! YES!
YES! YES? What on Dende... I have
a DATE? With #18! He went to Kame's alone
but smiling, he was happy.
Bulma was talking to his one-year son,
who didn't understand anything.
Then the phone started ringing. She answered.
It was Krilin! "Krilin
what the hell... where are you?" "I'm
at Kame's" "So, what happened? Did
you find her?" "You didn't spoke with
Gohan? He and #17 found #18 and
me... kissing" "WHAT! YOU'D DONE IT! GOD,
"Stop screaming Bulma. I didn't offer
her to marry me. You're acting
like you were nuts!" "Sorry but I... Hello?
Hello?" He hung down the
"#18 you're in love! Ha ha! Who would think
such a thing?" Said #17,
while he was trying to do some fishes.
"So why did youkissed him?"
"Because I love him!" She turned red again.
Then she went to sleep in the
tiny house that her brother had.
"So?" Said Krilin. "What are we going to
do now?" He looked at #18; he
was trembling like a leaf. #18 just smiled
and then she laughed
nervously. They were both in the middle
of the air. "Oh... wait... I know...
f-f-f-f-follow me" He begun flying somewhere,
and #18 just followed him.
They went to a restaurant; they ate and
talk about fights. It's hard to
find a woman that likes to fight, thought
Krilin. "And the kie-zan
(destructo disk)..." He begun talking,
teaching her his techniques. Then
they went to the movies, and saw a horror
movie. In there they laughed a
lot, because of the stupid monster suits
of the 'horror' movie. They
were kicked out of the movies. And then
he took her to a bar. They drank
till Krilin was drunk. So she had to carry
him to Kame's. Strangely,
the old man wasn't there. #18 putted him
in his bed. He was all red, and
was just smiling and calling her name
(well you know: #18). She didn't
like his look. Then he said: "Do you know
that I love you?" And he
fainted. #18 smiled and kissed him.
About an hour later she went to her brother's.
"Ha ha!" Laughed #17.
"He, drunk?" He couldn't help it. That
was VERY funny for him. "And he
wanted you to sleep with him?" Still laughing.
"And you didn't? Why?" "I
won't sleep with him!" She yelled. "I
don't want to get pregnant or
anything!" Then he stopped laughing. She
had a point. He finally spoke
without laughing: "But sister. If you
love him, you can't just 'love him',
and that means that sooner or later you'll
have to give up to him. And
anyways, I would laugh more seeing you
as a mother" He started laughing
again. "But... I can't go and just 'give
up'. That's stupid" She didn't
know what to do. She really loved Krilin,
but she wouldn't give herself
up to him like that.
Three days later, Krilin was in his new
job. He was working in a
construction, so had to wear a plastic
cap, a jean and a black T-shirt. He
looked handsome. He even stopped shaving,
so he had tiny little hairs
growing out of his head, all at the same
time. He didn't saw #18 in the
last three days, he couldn't feel her
'ki' (since she's an android), and
he was worried. How could I been drunk
like that! I'm jerk! I lost the
opportunity of my life! I really screwed
it up!, he thought. Then he
forgot and continued working, blowing
a building into ashes. "Good job
Krilin" Yelled his boss, who has been
told of Krilin's powers by Master
Roshi. Krilin just stared at him; he hated
his boss for none reason.
Then Krilin did a fake smile. "Can I go
home now?" Asked Krilin. He wasn't
tired; he was sad, and thinking of #18.
His boss also has been told of
Krilin's 'love' problems with some 'girl'.
"No Krilin. Just three more
buildings, please?" Said the Boss. Krilin
nodded and went to look to
the map, to find the three buildings he
had to blast. He was unhappy, but
the Boss had to obey Master Roshi. 'He's
alone, and I don't want him in
home watching TV, getting drunk and all
that', the Boss remembered
Roshi's words. "Later boss" Said Krilin,
as he headed to the buildings in
another city.
Five minutes later, Krilin was back. He's
pretty quick; anyways it
looks like he won. I'll let him go. "Hey
Krilin, you're out!" Said the
Boss. As fast as Krilin landed, the Boss
hugged him. Krilin did nothing; he
was to depressed to avoid the fat and
huge man. He felt like a girl's
doll, being pulled up, down, side to side,
smashed, and even shirked by
his boss. "So?" He finally leaves him
breath, "Where you're going kid?"
And do you think I'm going to tell you?,
thought Krilin. "Nowhere" He
answered coldly. His boss just stood there,
trying to understand why the
hell was he acting like that. Finally
Krilin flew off and went to
Dende's Palace.
Meanwhile, #18 was flying to Kame's House
to see Krilin. When she
arrived she went inside. But she found
all his friends (Gohan, Bulma,
Vegeta, Yamcha, Chichi, Puar, Oolong,
Chibi Trunks, Roshi, who was on the
phone, and even Piccolo, who was only
for that 'special party'). All
turned their heads to see #18 who was
actually staring at all those people.
"I'LL KILL YOU, #18" As always, it was
PRINCE VEGETA?" He yelled at the android.
She only stared at him, and
then she started searching Krilin in the
room without moving. "WHAT????
GO'????? ARE YOU NUTS????????
G......" Roshi walked to the living room,
for his surprise, #18 was
there. "What happened?" She asked him.
"He's pissed. He almost killed an
entire city" Roshi answered. "I'll go
see if I can calm him down" She said
and flew off. "But why #18?" He said to
the sky, as everyone looked at
him, "Do you really care about Krilin?"
She wasn't there but he asked
Why did I go there anyway? She thought.
She was flying at top speed
feeling Krilin's 'ki'. Why is he so angry?
"I'M A JERK!" Krilin screamed in Dende's
Palace. He was seated under a
He took a deep breath "NOW
only watching his friend, trying
to ignore the pain in his ears. He knew
that Krilin only needed to be
listened by someone. "Now what I'm going
to do?" He said calmly, for
Dende's surprise. "Do you want to know
where she is?" Asked Dende. "Can you
do me that favor?" "Sure" Said the green
kid. He closed his eyes and
tried to concentrate. "Oh my..." He said.
"She's searching you" Krilin
got up and asked stupidity as Goku "What
do I do?" "Why are you asking
me! I'm just a kid!" "Okay. I'll go there
and-and-and-and f-f-f-face her"
Said Krilin, then he flew off. As Dende
stood wondering why Krilin was
weirdest than the other warriors. "Mr.
Popo what do you think?" He
laughed. The black alien just said, "I
think he loves her" And with that
they returned to their routines.
I can feel his 'ki' getting closer Thought
#18. She smiled as she felt
that he was calmed down. She stopped and
saw him in the horizon. He
flew shyly to her. "Hi" He said. "Hi?"
"Yeah, hi!" He said trying to
understand her, "Is anything wrong?" He
sighed, "I think I should apologize"
"Why?" She asked amazed. "Because you
were drunk?" "Yes" He sighed
again, "I didn't mean to say anything"
"What? Krilin what do think you
said?" She couldn't contain laughing at
him. "I don't know, but Roshi told
me that when I get drunk I act very rude"
He then smiled, "W-w-what did
I said?" "You said 'Do you know that I
love you?' That doesn't sound
rude. It sound sweet" She laughed even
more, "It's that why you where
mad?" "Yeah" He said sighing and smiling
at her like if he was drunk
again. Then he returned to normal and
cleared his throat, "I mean yes" He
said normally. "Well, you'll know if you
are rude to me" She said
laughing. "Yeah, how?" He said laughing
too. "If you're dead" She laughed even
more. "I just hope I wont get drunk" Krilin
joked. And they laughed
even more and more. Then Krilin kissed
her. "I guess you're going to kill
me for that too" He said as he smiled
at her. "I don't think so" And
they kissed a 'real love kiss'. That day
he took her to all the places he
could, brought all things she liked (and
he could afford), and finally
he took her to her brother's. They kissed
again and said goodbye to
each other.
Now, five years later, Krilin was still
dating with #18. They didn't
married, because they thought, if they
married their bond could break.
So, they lived at Kame's.
"Krilin!" #18 yelled from the kitchen.
"Come on! Teach me please" "Ok,
ok, I'm coming" He was lying in the sofa,
wearing only his boxers and a
white T-shirt. They were alone that day.
"Ok, let's see" He was now in
the kitchen, "You got the onions?" "Yes"
She said happily. "Tomatoes?"
"Yes" "And garlic?" "Yes, now what?" She
asked. "Now, you cut those
things into tiny pieces" Krilin explained
to his 'girlfriend'. He showed
her how to cut. "Krilin I'm not stupid"
"But I'm showing you that this
is the safer way to cut... OUTCH! SHIT"
yelled. "You see, Mr. 'Showing a safer
way to cut'?" She laughed. "Let
me look at that" "No! Don't worry, I can
do it alone" He was acting
like a child. "I wont bite you Krilin"
She took his hand, he only had a
tiny cut, "You'll survive, Krilin" And
she laughed more. "Very funny"
Krilin went to the bathroom to get some
aids. He didn't realize that she
was following him. He closed the door
behind him. He begun changing his
clothes. Now he was naked. He was about
to put his clean boxers, but
suddenly the door was opened, and there
she was! "Oh my... S-s-s-sorry,
Kril" She said. And she turned around.
As red as a tomato. "W-w-w-w-what
are you doing here?" He said surprised.
"I-I-I-I came here to tell you
that I need your help" She said, "I really
am sorry" He smiled and
tried to make her redder, "For what?"
But he was red too, "Don't be like
that Kril" She said, and turned around
to see if Krilin was still naked
or not. He wasn't. "Don't call me Kril.
I hate it" "Oh ok, KRIL" Then
she yelled, "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!" Oh
my! She's nuts! He thought. I'll
chase her anyways. So they ran in the
house, till she let him catch her
in the bed......
Roshi entered his house and turned of the
oven, not knowing what
happened. There was smoke all over the
kitchen. He started looking for
someone in all the rooms. His room, nothing.
Guestroom, nothing. Krilin's
room, nothing. #18's room, Krilin and
her sleeping, together? "WHAT THE
HELL?" Roshi yelled. Suddenly they both
jumped out of the bed. "WHAT ARE
was very angry, "YOU FORGOT
They obeyed. And soon they knew what he
was talking about, their 'race'
had done a mess to Kame House. Roshi gave
them both 'things' to clean up
the mess. "I'm not telling you that you
can't love each other, but
LOOK" He pointed to the mess, "What you
were thinking? This looks like a
battleground, not like MY house. You forgot
the food in the oven, you
could have started a fire!" He sighed,
as the two lovers looked at him.
"I'm going to Chichi's, and if this is
not clean when I get back... YOU
He went to the door and
"He was really mad," She said. "I never
saw somebody yell me like that"
She turned to Krilin. To her surprise,
he was looking kinda goofy. He
was just laughing in silence. Till he
broke up his silence laughing so
loud that #18 thought that he was crazy.
"I NEVER SAW HIM SO MAD!" He screamed.
Then he stopped. He started
cleaning the floor and the entire house.
Three hours later, Roshi entered
in his house. It was shining, all clean.
They'll learn! He thought. He
smirked. "So?" Asked Krilin and #18 in
unison. "Go" He said.
"W-w-w-what?" Krilin asked, "What do you
KRILIN!" Roshi went to his room. "What
are we going to do?" Asked #18
worried. "WHERE are we going to go?" Asked
Krilin. But without looking
at anything. "Well, better start packing
all our stuff" "I'll call
Bulma" Said #18. She picked up the phone.
"Hi, may I speak to Bulma please?
Ok! I'll wait... Krilin do you believe
this jerk? He asked me to wait!"
She saw Krilin smiling. "Oh... hi Bulma"
(Bulma's voice) "Hi. Who are
you?" "It's me, #18" "Oh. Hi #18. What
do you want?" "I want to know if
we can spend one night in your house"
"You and...?" "Krilin and I"
"WHAT?" "What is it?" Asked Krilin when
he saw #18 jump. "She didn't know
that we're..." Said #18. "Oh" Said Krilin.
Then he continued packing.
"Yes Krilin and I" "Ok. Just tell me why?"
"Because... I'll tell you when
we get there, ok?" "Ok, ok. Well bye #18!"
"Bye" She hung down. Then
sighed and helped Krilin. "So?" He asked.
"She said yes" They stared at
each other. Then they continued packing.
An hour later they were at Bulma's telling
her the whole story. "Oh my
God" She laughed. "What's so funny?" Krilin
asked. "Sorry Krilin, ah...
but you two are just crazy. You could
be more careful next time" Krilin
and #18 jumped at the same time, "NEXT
TIME?" Their faces turned red.
They're so weird! Thought Bulma. But she
started laughing again.
"Anyways, you can live here. Tomorrow
you could buy those stupid magazines to
Bulma thought that the couple was normal,
that they wouldn't be a
problem for her. WRONG! "So?" Asked Krilin,
who was sitting at the table.
They all were. Bulma, Vegeta, he and #18.
It was dinnertime. Vegeta
glared at him and said, "So what?!" Krilin
felt a little humiliated. But
nobody knew it. "I mean, what's up?" He
said quickly. "I don't know,
what's up?" Said #18, and begun laughing.
Bulma, Vegeta and Krilin stared at
her; then Krilin begun to laugh too. "You're
nuts!" Said Vegeta, almost
scared. Krilin and #18 stopped laughing
and stared at each other. Then
Krilin said, "You're nuts!" Almost like
Vegeta, and begun laughing
again, followed by #18 and Bulma (who
found it funny). "If you want to die,
then say it again!" Said Vegeta. Krilin
changed the subject, "Bulma,
are you doing anything tonight?" Bulma
looked at the little guy, then at
the yellow harried woman, then at Vegeta
(who was eating), she finally
spoke, "No, not at all. Why?" "Because
I'm going to take #18 to my
favorite 'place' and I was wondering if
you and Vegeta wanted to come with
us!" She looked at Vegeta again and said,
"Go ahead, you two go and
have fun. I don't think Mr. Actitude can
get out of there without killing
someone" Krilin almost laughed, but #18
glared a look that told him not
to hurt Bulma.
Later, Krilin and #18 went to the 'place'.
For #18 surprise, it was a
field full of flowers, "Oh this is so
beautiful, Krilin!" "Well, I just
wanted to say... That of all the flowers
that I see, you're the
prettiest" He cleared his throat, he was
blushing like hell. #18 smiled and
said, "I love you Krilin" She kissed him.
He begun kissing her
It was morning; they were sleeping in the
forest, near the field.
Krilin woke up and looked to his left,
#18 was sleeping with her head over
his chest. He smiled, because he couldn't
move. So he had to wake her
up. "#18, wake up honey" She opened her
eyes and looked at him, he was so
cute. "What?!" She said. She realized
that she was naked, and so did
he. "Hey! We're naked. Where's our clothes?"
She said. He looked around
confused. "Where are we?" "Krilin, you
don't even know what happened?"
"Well... I remember what we did, but not
how I fell asleep" He said
smiling at her. "You always fall asleep,
Kril" She said. "Hey! Don't call
me 'Kril'!" He protested. "But it's sounds
cute" She smiled and kissed
him" "Don't start that" He laughed. "Why
"Where the hell are they?" Bulma asked
Dende. She was worried; they
have been missing for one day. "Well...
I found them. But I can't tell you
where they are. Krilin could kill me!"
Said Dende. Then he added,
"They're ok" Bulma sighed, "Ok. I'll go
home then"
"Can we go to Cap. Corp. now?" Asked Krilin
while he was dressing up.
"Oh... Come on Kril. Tell me the truth...
We had a blast!" "Yeah!" Then
he added, "But I think I'm going to fall
asleep again" #18 couldn't
help it, she stared laughing. He was dressed
now, so did #18. They took
off from the 'place' and went to Cap.
"We're here!" Krilin yelled. "Krilin, #18!"
Bulma's voice felt like
thunder. "Where have you two been?!" Krilin
and #18 were both red. Bulma
showed them their room and the bathroom,
and she gave them some towels.
Then Bulma went to her lab.
"I can't wait #18" Krilin said. "What
do you mean?" "I mean, that I
want to take a shower... with you" "Excuse
me" Said Vegeta, "But you
lovers, will have to wait for me" Both
lovers were red, RED! They found
another bathroom. So they took a shower
together. They were full of grass,
flowers, dirt and other things. He helped
her, cleaning her back. She
helped him, cleaning his back. They cleaned
each other and then they
went to their room. There they got dressed
and went downstairs to eat
Krilin was trying to convince Roshi that
wouldn't mess up his house
again, while #18 was with a doctor: "Well...
you're pregnant" Said the
doc. #18 only looked at him like a psychotic.
The doc didn't know what to
say. Suddenly she yelled, "I'M PREGNANT?!"
She just wanted to kill
somebody because she was so happy.
That afternoon, they met at Cap. Corp.
(Capsule Corporation). She told
him that she got news: "Krilin, you know
well that I'm an android" She
was interrupted by him, "Well whatever
you are it doesn't matter to me"
"Oh. How sweet" She kissed him. She never
thought that he would love
her that much. "Well, as I was telling
you, maybe... I can't tell you
this" "Tell me what?" "It's hard to me
to explain you this" "You don't
love me anymore?" "It's not that!" She
said as hugged him and kissed him
again. Then she started crying. He hugged
back and tried to understand
her, but he couldn't. "Wha-wha-what is
it honey?" He asked. "I'm not
crying because I'm sad" "Then why are
you crying?" "Because I'm happy that
I'm pregnant" He only looked at her. She
was crying and had the biggest
grin in the whole world. It was after
a minute that he hugged he and
kissed her and yelled like a ridiculous
person, "OH MY GOD I CAN'T
BELIEVE THIS" He yelled happily, "I-I-I-I
LOVE YOU SO MUCH" He kissed her
again. She was just staring at him, letting
him kiss her, hug her and yell
at her. But she never saw Krilin so happy.
"You really love me?" She
said in child voice. "Of COURSE I love
you, silly!" "Even if I'm going to
look fat, nervous and eat like a saiyayin?"
He smiled, "Yeah!" He said
smiling. She smiled back, "Hey! What about
if we go and tell Bulma!"
"If you want to" So they went and told
Bulma. She was very happy too.
That night, they talked about what names
they liked for the baby and all
that baby-stuff.
The next morning, Krilin went to the city
to buy something. #18 went to
the mall with Bulma and Trunks (who was
6 years old), to buy baby
"Sir? Sir? SIR?!" A receptionist yelled.
Krilin blinked "Who? Me?" The
woman looked annoyed, "Sir... I have been
yelling at you for at least
ten minutes..." She watched Krilin, who
looked like a stupid lunatic.
"Never mind... what do you want sir?"
"I want that ring over there" "Are
you going to marry?" Krilin nodded. "That's
so sweet!" "Give me the
ring, please" "Oh sorry... here you have.
That's... 120 dollars" "WHAT?!
Somehow, the scream reached to #18
and Bulma, who were in the SAME mall!
"What the hell was that?" Asked
Bulma. "That sounded like Krilin" "Yeah!
You're right! Let's go check it
out!" Said Bulma. #18 nodded, and they
went to see what was happening.
Krilin wanted to hit the poor woman, but
he paid and got out of that
store. He saw #18 and Bulma, but they
didn't saw him. So he went to Kame
"Master Roshi!" Krilin screamed. "Here!"
"Master Roshi! Before you kick
me out I have something to tell you!"
Roshi was reading those magazines
again. "What do you want?" He asked coldly.
"#18 is pregnant! I'm going
to be a daddy!" Roshi dropped his magazine
and looked into Krilin's
eyes, he was almost crying. "Really?"
Roshi asked annoyed. "Yeah! And
you're going to be a grandpa!" Krilin
said, almost yelling. "Well, that
means that... you can come back here with
#18. I can't kick out a pregnant
woman!" "What do you think?" "CONGRATULATIONS!"
ROSHI!" Both men started yelling, because
they were happy. After 20 minutes
of yelling, Krilin went to Cap. Corp.
"#18! Are you here?" "Here honey!" She
said from the bathroom. He could
hear his 'girlfriend' vomiting. "Are okay
honey?!" He almost screamed.
"Don't worry this always happens to a
pregnant woman" "Oh sorry" "It's
not your fault!" "Hm?" "What do you want?"
"Hm?" "Sorry... I think I
lost temper..." "That's okay... when you
finish... brush your teeth...
I-I-I heard that it's good for you moms"
"Okay" With that Krilin went
downstairs. After a few minutes she went
to meet him. "What is it Kril?"
"Well... um... d-d-do you want to... go
outside?" "Sure" So they went
outside. "Well?" He showed her a little
black box, when she opened the
box, she found a little golden ring of
pure gold with little cristals and
a script 'To my Love Flower'. "You like
it?" She started crying. "I
love it!" "Are you okay?" "Yeah, it's
moms stuff!" And then he kissed her.
"Master Roshi is waiting for us" "Really?"
She said. "Yeah! Let's go
and pack our stuff again" And so they
went back to Kame House.
What About Krilin?
Nine months had passed, and our couple
is very happy. They don't show
the same love than before but they DO
love each other. Now they're in
Kame House with all their friends. They're
in a Baby Shower. #18 is still
"Hey #18! What's your baby's name?" Asked
Oolong. "If it's a boy I'll
name it Kril... and if it's a girl, Krilin
will name it" "Wow! Like his
father!" Said Oolong. "Yeah! But I'm sure
that is a SHE!" Bulma said.
"Me too" Said Chichi. "I don't care to
much. I want to know what it
feels to be a father!" Krilin said from
the other side of the tiny island.
"Yeah! Me too!" Said #18; she smiled to
her husband. "But if it's a
girl?" Asked Oolong. "If it's a girl I'll
name it Marron!" Everyone who
knew about his other girlfriend was shocked.
"But Marron was..." Started
Gohan. "His girlfriend?" Asked #18, "Yeah
I know... but is also the
feminine name of 'Krilin'. I found it
in an encyclopedia. Besides,
Krilin's ex-girlfriend's name was with
one 'R'. And my daughter's name is
going to be with two 'R's" "That sounds
cool!" Said Gohan. "But I think
it's going to be a boy" Said Krilin. "It's
going to be a girl!" Said #18,
"How do YOU know?" Asked Krilin while
he was laughing. "I know because
is in MY body" Said his wife. He smiled,
"Good point" and then he went
to check the BQ. She smiled too. For a
minute there was silence in all
the island, only the wawes that crashed
in the rocks and the sand were
heared. Suddenly, #18 broke the silence,
"I think..." EVERYBODY looked
at her, she was sweating and grabbing
her stomach. "... it's time" And
EVERYBODY ran to her. Krilin placed her
in the airplane and they all
went to the hospital.
They entered to the hospital like a bunch
of 13 lunatics. The nurses
stared at them annoyed. #18 was screaming
to eveybody. Piccolo and Vegeta
flew away from the hospital, Bulma and
Chichi were talking at top speed
to #18 "Breathdeep,breathdeep" Yamcha
was pushed away from #18, with
Roshi, Oolong and Puar. Gohan was chasing
Trunks and Goten. And Krilin
was loosing his mind. "COULD EVERYBODY
JUST SHUT UP?!" He screamed. All
silence, till #18 spoke, "Honey? Could
you please...?" "Yeah, yeah. ANY
MOMMY ALERT!" Screamed Vegeta, who apparently
came back. "YOU HEARED THE
A nurse sat #18 in a
wheelchair and pushed her to a room. Krilin
followed her. The nurse left the
room and let Krilin talk to #18 before
she was taken to give birth.
"Honey? Are you all right?" "Yeah... I
feel better now" She said. He was
smiling, so did she. "Is anything I can
do for you?" He asked. "Kiss me"
So he kissed her. He sat next to her bed,
in a sofa. She stared at him
for a while. Then the pain begun again.
He jumped off the sofa and
called a nurse. Then they took her away.
Krilin was worried. Everybody was
nervous. Vegeta went to see Kriin. "Krilin...
I got something for you"
"W-w-what is it?" "Blood" "How kind" Krilin
said. "I mean a
transfusion... I need human blood, and
you need saiyan blood" Krilin looked at
Vegeta... 'the Pince of Saiyans', he sighed
"Ok. When do you want my blood"
"Now" "How about before we leave this
hospital?" "Deal" With that
Krilin felt like a traitor. But if he
wanted save his wife in the future, he
couldn't do it without being a saiyan.
Krilin looked at his watch, it only has
been an hour since he got to
the hospital. He looked aroud, everybody
was sleeping. He sighed, he
didn't see his wife or child yet. The
doctor didn't say nothing, he only
waked away, glaring at him, for what?!
He thought. "Krilin" He heared
somebody whispering at him. "What is it
Vegeta?" "Now let's go, you're
there doing nothing!" Krilin nodded and
followed Vegeta into a tiny room.
"We're not going to feel nothing, till
two to four years. That's why I
wanted to do it quickly!" Krilin rolled
his eyes and nodded again.
Vegeta cutted himself in the arm, so did
Krilin. Vegeta took Krilin's
blood, and Krilin took Vegeta's; then
Krilin put his hand over his wound, so
did Vegeta. They walked out of the room
and went to opposite
directions. The next thing that Krilin
saw was everything turning black.
"Mr. Krilin... I'm so sorry. I'm Dr. Zeed,
I am trully sorry... your
wife didn't make it. Neither your son"
Krilin jumped out of the bed
And he felt a baby crying,
someone hitting him, voices calling him,
but he didn't open his eyes, he
didn't feel the one who hit him, he didn't
heared the voices, he only
heared the baby. He was focused on the
baby. He openned his eyes, to find
out where was he, who hit him, who was
calling him...... who was the
#18 stared at him annoyed. He was looking
at her like if he was
watching Einstain teaching him science.
"Are you all right Kril?" "You...
you... you... you're... alive?!" "Of course
I am!" She started laughing
"You thought that I was dead?" The baby
was still crying, #18 looked down
to her left and took the baby carefully.
She was smiling, looking at
the baby "You're hungry?" "Hm?" "I'm talking
to the baby Kril!" She said
smiling. "Stop calling me 'Kril', my name
is Krilin!" "Whatever...
Kril" Before he could reply the baby yawned.
"Who's that?" He said, knowing
that it was his child, but he didn't know
how to start "Your daughter"
"You... mean... son... don't you?" "D-a-u-g-h-t-e-r"
"S-o-n" "Look at
her... she's hungry" #18 ignored Krilin's
She glared at everyone who was in the
room (except for Krilin) "Can you
go outside, please?" Krilin could hear
few 'sures' and 'oks' from his
friends. "What do I do?" "Stay here if
you want" "Oh... ok" She showed
her breast to her daughter, who started
drinking. Krilin looked at the
baby, then at his wife's face, she was
still smiling! "So..." He broke
the silence. "Hm?" "..." "What is it Kril?"
"Hm... ummm" "Well, I'll
tell ya. You fainted in the hall. And
this is your daughter" She pulled
the baby to Krilin, the baby was asleep,
to his surprise "Wow... it
doesn't need to much to eat" "Shhh! You'll
wake her" "Sorry" He whispered.
"Here, grab her head like this. With the
other hand her body. Here you
go" "I feel like I'm gonna hurt her" "Don't
worry... Geez!" "What did I
do now?" "I mean... you look handsome
with that baby" She kissed him.
He blushed, but smiled. Then he made the
funniest thing #18 could ever
imagine. He made a baby-like voice "You
too mommy" She started laughing
like crazy. "Shh... You'll gonna wake
her" He said smiling. Then he
kissed her.
Three years had been since Marron was born.
Peace, quiet and.... party!
Yeah another one: Marron's third birthday!
"Come in!" Said Krilin opening the door.
"Hi Bulma! Trunks, Vegeta!
Please, come in!" "JOIN THE PARTY!" Screamed
Yamcha, he was drinking
something and watching TV with Gohan,
Chichi, Goten (he was 7 years old),
Roshi, Oolong, Puar, #18 and Marron. "HEY
DON'T SCREAM!" Screamed #18.
"Come on honey calm down. You're very
nervous today" Said Krilin. She
glared at Yamcha and then she went to
the kitchen, Krilin followed her.
"What do you want?" She said. "What the
hell is going on with you?" He
almost yelled. "Nothing, I'm tired. I
want to sleep. But I can't let you
alone with Marron" "Well, just wait three
hours and you'll go to
sleep!" "Kril?" "Hm?!" "Are you mad at
me?" "Nope" "Kril?" "Hm?" "Can we go
to a hotel tonight?" "NANI?!" "You know...
to make love?" "NANI?!
TONIGHT?!" "Don't scream, honey!" "But
why tonight?!" "Cuz I want to do it
tonight, if you want" "Oh..... well....
we can let Marron with
Roshi.......... Yeah! Why not?!" He smiled
and blushed. "OK! I'll go with Bulma
and Chichi, I'll try to join their chat........
without fight this
time..." "Yeah! Good luck!" This is going
to be a long night. He thought.
Then he went to join his friends.
"DADDY!" Screamed Marron. "Marron don't
scream like that" Said a very
calmed Krilin. Marron hugged his leg and
begun giggling. Her dad smiled
and picked her up. "How ya doing Marron?"
Asked Gohan. Marron only
giggled more. Gohan realised that she
wasn't going to answer him and
continued talking with the others. Krilin
was talking with Yamcha, Roshi and
Oolong. "Yeah! It's tough to be a father!"
Said Krilin. Marron looked
at him, still on his shoulders. "Daddy....
I'm hungry!" She said. Krilin
looked to Yamcha and Roshi "You see...
what-do-you-want-to-eat?" Marron thought
a little bit. "Macarroni and Cheesse!" Krilin was
surprised. "We don't have macarroni and
cheesse dear" He said calmly.
"But I want macarroni and cheesse!" She
protested. "Marron you're old
enough to understand that WE DON'T HAVE
Marron was with her eyes wide openned,
but she didn't cry. Everyone
turned around and stared at him. He didn't
move, he knew that #18 would
get VERY mad! Someone turned off the stereo.
Everything was silence now.
Krilin was blushing, he realized that
Marron was giggling. "Why did ya
turn off the music?" She asked. Again,
someone turned on the stereo.
But his friends were still looking at
him. "Let's go Marron..... We'll
buy the macarronis" Said Krilin. Marron
knew that her 'daddy' didn't want
to yell at her. Krilin saw #18 smiling
at him. Then he took off with
Marron on his arms.
"Sorry Marron...... daddy didn't meant
to yell at ya" Said Krilin, like
a whisper. "Don't worry daddy! I never
listen to you!" Said Marron.
Krilin added "But you have to listen to
me.... If not...... you wont learn
what's right or wrong" "What's right or
wrong?" "Hai! You see.... if
you behave your self..... THAT'S right..........
if you don't obey me or
your mom..... THAT'S wrong" "Daddy?" "Nani?"
"I love you!" "Me too
Marron" Krilin said. He landed in front
of a market and went inside with
his daughter. Marron looked all the macarroni
and cheesse's boxes. Krilin
only watched her. She's like her mom He
thought. She always gets what
she wants.
They returned to their home. Nobody was
there, only #18. "Where were
ya? It's late! Oh... anyways... I'll take
you to bed. And you, you go to
bed too" His wife said. "Okay..." He said.
#18 took Marron to bed. She
went to her room and found Krilin in bed
already. He was sleeping. She
looked at Krilin's expressions, the ones
he didn't make when he was
awake. She smiled and kissed him on the
We are now IN the Buu Saga... When Buu got out of the Room of Time.....
"Well... I'll eat that little girl over
there!" Said Buu. Krilin was shocked. He wasn't strong enough to kill Buu
or even hurt him! Until he got craisy, Krilin screamed and launched to
Buu. On the way, he turned to SSJ and tried to punch him. He felt his body
getting bigger. He went to SSJ2, but he couldn't punch him. Then, he turned
to SSJ3 and punched him, but that didn't kill him, of course. Buu kicked
Krilin to the Earth, and fired a big black ki blast. Everyone, who could,
felt Krilin's ki getting weaker, until they didn't feel it more. Buu laughed.
They didn't have time to think that Krilin was a saiyan. "I'll turn the
girl into a chocolate!" Yelled Buu. Before he could do that, a gigant golden
monkey apeared. "Grrrrrrrr!!!!!!" Yelled the Golden Osharu (big monkey).
"I'll turn you into a candy!" Yelled Buu at the monster. The Golden Osharu
desapeared, and apeared behind him. Buu was shocked, he could feel a great
ki in the monkey. Marron smiled and giggled. "Daddy!!!" She yelled. The
Osharu turned around and roared, not kindly. It was mad, with everyone.
Buu tried to eat Marron again, but Osharu punched him. Then, he drained
Buu. His stomach begun growing, so Golden Osharu splitted Buu. To everyone's
surprise, there were TWO Buus. The fat one, and the bad one. Gotenks and
Piccolo got out of the Room of Time. Piccolo
screamed, because he was scared. "Buu
turned into a golden monkey???!!!" Asked
Gotenks. Piccolo showed him (or, them?)
the two Buus. Both Buus were shocked, looking at Golden Osharu. The monster
begun attacking everyone, until he hit #18. Making her to fall on the floor
of the palace. Videl caught Marron. Osharu centered his attention in #18.
He got closer to her. She was still weak and dizzy. Osharu threw her a
big rock, that brocke her left leg. Marron had to make her 'daddy' to return
to normal.
"Videl? Please... You have to take me
to him!!! He'll kill mommy if I don't speak to him!!!" "Hm..... Ok! Hold
on tight!!!" Said Videl. She flew near to one of Osharu's ears. "DADDY!!!
DON'T KILL MOMMY!!!!!!!" Marron said crying. "PLEASE...DON'T DO IT!!!!!!"
She continued. Videl was shocked. As everyone else. The Osharu turned to
Videl and blew her away. She fell on the floor, at #18's side. Marron was
alright. She got up, and ran to Osharu's feet. "DADDY!!!!!!!! PLEASE...
REMEMBER..... DADDY?!!!!!!" Marron couldn't scream more, she was getting
very tired. The bad Buu kicked her away from the palace. "Little stupid
Said BAD Buu. Osharu didn't move. Then,
he roared and blasted away Evil Buu with a ki blast. Evil Buu returned
to normal, and absorbed Fat Buu again. New Buu, charged a ki blast at Osharu.
He got craisier and blasted at everyone, even New Buu. Then, a yellow light
surrounded Osharu and he turned SSJ4! It was Krilin! He had the same large
hair than Yayirobee; yellow eyes; red hair on his shoulders, back and abdomen
(except his chest), a large red tail; and a lot of power. He took off where
Marron had fell, on Earth. He catched her just on time, before she hit
the ground. And he returned to Celestial Palace. "Krilin?" Asked #18. Krilin
stared at her shocked, then, he looked down at his daughter. Marron was
smiling and crying. "I'm sorry..." He said. He looked up at Buu and launched
at him....
"So Krilin.... is a saiyan?" Asked Gokou in Heaven. Vegeta nodded. "I can't believe it!" Said Gohan. Ro Kaioh Shin finished reading a magazine. "I think Krilin wont kill Buu... That's your job Gokou... Krilin is way too powerful. If he becomes the first way to defeat everyone, then you'll become as fat as your friend Yayirobee" Ro Kaioh Shin said.
Yelled Krilin. Dende nodded. He called
telepathyly Gokou, and told him. Krilin punched Buu. He fell on the ground,
YOU'D BE STRONGER!!!" Krilin yelled. He followed Buu. "IT CAN'T BE... I'LL
TURN YOU INTO A COOKIE!!!!!!" Buu blasted a ray with the tentacle on his
head, but Krilin evaded it. "YOU'LL HAVE TO DO BETTER THAN THAT!!!" Krilin
said laughing. He punched Buu again. "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?! KRILIN
COME BACK HERE YOU RETARD!!!" #18 screamed. Krilin flought upper, to the
Sun taking Buu with him.
"He's going to kill him!" Ro Kaioh Shin yelled. "But you said..." Kaioh Shin said. "FORGET what I said.... he IS going to kill Buu!!!!!!" "I'll kill him!!!! I'm his Prince!!! He can't do this to me!!! Kakarrott take me to him!!!!" "But Vegeta..." "NOW!!!!" Vegeta yelled.
When Krilin was going to kill Buu, Gokou
appeared in front of him. "What are you doing here?" Krilin asked.Vegeta
launched to him and turned SSJ3 easily. "VEGETA YOU CAN GO SUPER--" "OF
COURSE I CAN BAKA!!!" Vegeta yelled at Gokou. Vegeta punched Krilin, but
he kicked the price away.