"Kackarott is doing home repairs,so I'm going to do it better,"said
Vegeta gruffly.
"But,you have no idea what your doing,"said Bulma.
"Off course I do,"argued Vegeta.
"Now I'm off to do repair's,"said Vegeta arrogantly. "Starting with
are wireing,"said the prince again.
"Oh no,your not touching the wireing,"commanded Bulma.
"I'm going to do this woman,now leave me to my wiring,"said the egotistical
saiyan arrogently again.
Then he walked away,and Bulma went right after him. Vegeta was on the roof for the t.v,lights,refridgeration,and other stuff like that's wireing."Now if I touch this,"Vegeta said as he touched it.ZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAPPPPP! "EOUCHHHH!" screamed the prince in pain."I told you that you have no clue what you're doing,"said Bulma.
"I ment to do that,"said Vegeta.
"Really,"said Bulma.
"Come on,it's starting to snow and get cold,come on inside and I can
make some hot chocolate, Vegeta" coaxedBulma.
Vegeta said"No."
(Oh by the way gohan wished it would snow this year in Japan,just like
last year,a story I haven't told yet.)
Finally,after being shocked three hundread and forty two times,Vegeta
gave it one last go and..."Here we go,"Vegeta pulled,fell off of
the roof,his legs got tangled in the wires,and there he lay,swinging in
the snow,"He,he,I told you not to do this,"said Bulma as she giggled.Just
then,Trunks ran by with a camera and took a picture."TRUNKS,GET BACK HERE!!!"
yelled the prince.Just then,the snow fell off the roof,untangled Vegeta,and
burried the saiyan prince in a ton of snow.
"Trunks get a shovel!"yelled Bulma.
An hour later...
"You were just burried in like a ton off snow,and you still wan't to
go on with this?"Bulma questioned.
"Not the wireing,"said Vegeta.
"Then---"Bulma was cut off again.
"I'm doing the plumbing,"announced Vegeta. Then Vegeta walked down
to the basement and Bulma went right after
him."Now if I twist this,"Vegeta said as he twisted it. pssssstt.
"What's that---"now it was Vegeta who waas cut off by the gallons off
water spraying his face.Witch,by the,has so much pressure that it sent
poor Vegeta flying across the room on a,or rather,in a water stream.
"Trunks,get a couple buckets!"called Bulma as trunks came down,gave
her a bucket,took a picture,and then helped pale his father out.
An hour later...
"Just quit,you've been sprayed,electricuted,and now you're going to
be---"and once again,Bulma was cut off.
"I'm fixing the shingles,"said Vegeta.
"Oh,no,"said Bulma.
"Trunks,get a trampoline!"shouted Bulma.
And Trunks came out with a trampoline.Then Vegeta yelled, "Trunks give
me the film you've been taking pictures with!!!"commanded the
prince.Then he fell off of the roof,landed on the trampoline,that sent
him flying onto the roof,wich made him fly through the roof and onto
the couch. Trunks ran by and took a picture.
"Now will you give it u--"Bulma was cut off again.
"I'm shoveling the drive way,"said Vegeta.
"Well,you can't get hurt very much by that,"Bulma said releaved. Vegeta
walked outside and used his power to melt the snow. Then he saw Kackarott
adding an electric to the garage with a rope. "Hmmmm,"he thought.Then he
tied a rope to something and then went ontop off it to check it and...
The thing slipped causing him to be stuck in the rope.Just then,the garage door malfunctioned causing Vegeta to be draged up and down, hitting the roof,then the ground,that went on for about twenty minutes and then Trunks drove the car.When he did that,poor,poor Vegeta got draged down the road for three blocks.
Two hours later...
"Will you give ti up now?"pleaded Bulma.
"Yes,"said Vegeta,who was beaten up very,very,VERY,badly.That's why
he was on a couch,in a blanket,drinking hot chocolate.
RING,RING,it was the phone.Bulma answered.
"Hello?"asked Bulma. "He's doing what,really.Wish him luck for me,bye,"Bulma
said hanging up the phone.
"That was ChiChi,Goku's going to ride in a motorcycle contest,"Bulma
"A motorcycle contest,really?"Vegeta sid grinning.
" Now don't start again,"Bulma said.
~Omoishiroi neh? ^_^