"Chichi are you... how come
you're all here? did you know I was coming?"
Asked Goku a bit confused.
Said Chichi.
"Bulma told me Vegeta told
her he sense you coming and I told everyone else"
Chichi said and smiled.
Goku whent to spend some time whit his frinds.
Said Pan.
Answered Ubuu.
"What's your name?"
Asked Ubuu.
"Pan, and your's?"
Asked Pan.
Said Ubuu.
Everyone was just so busy they didn't even rember them.
"What's going on?"
Asked Ubbu.
"Nothing... don't worry they'll
rember we'll still here soon... I hope..."
Said Pan.
She looked at everyone.
*I wish they would knowrest
me more...*
She thougth.
The truth was she allways got a lot of attention and today everyone was getting redy for Goku so she didn't get as much.
"Let's go play outside for
a while"
Said Pan.
"Are you sure it's ok?"
Asked Ubuu.
She said.
The 2 of them whent out side.
Pan started.
"You have many frinds where
you live?"
She asked.
Said Ubuu.
He continued.
"All I do is train whit
"But don't you like to play?"
She asked.
"I'm allways too busy for
He answered.
"Then today you'll play whit
Said Pan.
Ubuu liked the idea.
"Ok, what should we do first?"
He asked.
"Let's... double trouble!!!"
She said very excited.
"What's that?"
He asked confused.
"We have to sneak in and
cause very funny double trouble!"
Pan explained.
She started to giggle.
Ubuu was still confuse.
But it sounded interesting...
"Ok but you'll have to tell
me what to do"
He said smiling.
"No problem!"
Said Pan.
They sneaked in where everyone
was getting redy for a snack.
Goku insisted he wanted
to eat right away.
THey all sat down at the
table and watched Goku and Vegeta eat.
Said Chichi while staring
at them.
"They never chance do they?"
Said Bulma.
"Nope... never..."
Said Chichi.
Pan and Ubuu crauled under
the table.
Pan told Ubuu to tie Yamcha's
shoes touguether while she did the same to Krillin's.
Then she swiched the salt
and peper whitout being seen.
She started trowing peper
at Lunch from under the table..
Lunch sneased and turned
blond... and angry...
For chaozu... Pan sticked bubble gum in the bottom of his shows so he would get stock when he tryed to walk.
"Are you sure this is ok?"
Wispered Ubuu.
"Yes' it's ok... and fun!"
Said Pan in the same tone.
Then Ubbu saw 2 things moving under the table.
"Look, Pan what are those?"
Asked Ubuu pointing at Goku
and Vegeta's tail.
"I guess they grew back..."
Said Pan.
"I thougth that thing was
a belt or something..."
Said Ubuu.
"They're tails"
Explained Pan.
She continued.
"And I have an idea..."
She graved both thy're tails
and tiyed them thouguether.
Of course Vegeta and Goku
knowrest something on they're tails.
They both stoped eating
and got up to find they're tails tiyed thouguether!
They both yelled.
"It's your faut Kakarot!!!"
Yelled Vegeta.
"I didin't do it!!!"
Said Goku.
"Maybe you shold cut them
Sugested Gohan.
"He's right"
Agreed Videl.
"You're not gonna cut off
my tail!!!!!!!!"
Complained Vegeta.
"We have to!"
Said Goku.
He continued.
"This hurts!!!!"
"I'm the prince of the saiyans!!!
they can cut off your tail!!!"
Yelled Vegeta.
"And you're going to carry
a peace of my tail on yours all the time?"
Asked Goku.
Vegeta didn't even want to
think about it.
Meanwhile under the table
Ubuu and Pan where laugthing and trying to be qiet so they don't get caught.
"I've never had this much
Said Ubuu.
"Me Ether!"
Said Pan.
Soon everyone began to laugth.
Chaozu was going to go over
and try to untie them but when he tuouched the floor he got stcuk because
of the gum on his shoes.
"I'm stuck, I'm stuck!!!"
Yelled Chaozu.
Ten tryed to get him out
but that gun was relly sticky.
Lunch laugth laudly and
she was clearly enjoy this little catastrofy...
"I'll hellllllllllp"
Krillin fell down because
his shes where tiyed thogether.
"Krillin are you okkkkkkkkkkkkkk"
Yamcha fell down next to
Puar just keepon laugthing while ptting something she thougth was peper into her sandwhish.
"Yuck this taste too salty!!!"
She said and trew the sanwhish
away, it fell on Lunch.
"Did you do this pig?"
Asked Lunch pointing at
the sand whish on her head.
"No, relly! I didn't"
Said Oloong.
"Well I don't belive you!"
Lunch trew a yar of penut
butter at him but it hit Goten.
"I'll get you Trunks!"
Said Goten.
"What did I do"
Trunks asked but it was
too late because now his face was full of cake.
"Now you're gonna get it
He trew ketchup all over
Goten but some fell on Bra who was next to him.
"Look what you did!"
She yelled and trew the
salad at him but it fell on Marron.
Of couse Marron wasn't gonna
stay like that...
The food fight has oficially
began... or more like a food war!
"Chichi do something!"
Said Goku in a childish
voice while the mostard flew over his head.
"What can I do? Look at this
She said.
"Forget the mess and do something
about us!!!"
Yelled Goku.
The rest of the Z team was
laugthing too hard to speak.
Yamcha and Krillin where
laguthing so had they couldn't even get up.
Chaozu was still stuck but
he was laugthing too.
Marron, Trunks, Goten and
Bra where trwing food all over.
"Bulma! get us out!!!"
Yelled Vegeta.
"I guess you 2 are stuck!"
Said Bulma and she keept
on laugthing.
Everything was a mess now... but not for Pan and Ubuu.
"That's it!"
Yelled Vegeta.
Vegeta started runnig trying
to get Goku's tail off his.
He ran in circules draging
Goku along and knocking everything on the way.
Yelled Goku.
"Not till you're gone!!!"
Said Vegeta.
Finally they pulled so hard they ended up falling back and bumped each other's heads.
"Bulma stop them look at
the mess they made!!!!!"
Complained Chichi.
"I guess the party's over..."
Said Bulma and aproched
Goku and Vegeta.
She untangle they're tails.
They both looked relifed.
Pan and Ubuu where still
laugthing and Pan decided they should leave before they get caugth.
"That was great wasn't it?"
Said Pan once they where
"Yeah! It was the best!!!"
Said Ubuu.
Bra, Goten, Trunks and Marron came out of the house.
"Why do I get the feeling
you had something to do whit this Pan?"
Said Trunks all covered
in cake.
"I didn't do it!"
Said Pan.
"It's ok"
Said Bra whit ketchup all
"It's it boys?"
Said Marron while trying
to get the salad off her hair.
"This was fun... but it wasn't
fun the first time you tryed that!"
Said Goten.
"What do they mean?"
Asked Ubuu.
Pan started.
By the time Pan was finished
telling Ubuu the story of how she tiyed Trunks and Goten's tails thouguether
the rest of the Z team came outside.
Along whit Goku and Vegeta.
"What's that?"
Asked Pan in an inocent
tone, pointing at Goku's tail.
Was all he answered.
Pan and Ubuu couldn't resist
but to laugth.
Goku and Vegeta looked so
funny whit a block of ice tiyed in the end of they're tails!
Later It was time for Ubuu
to retrn to his training.
"Goodbye Pan!"
He said as he flew away
to continue his training whit Goku.
"Bye Bye Ubbu!"
She said.
She continued.
"Don't forget me!"
"I'll never forget you Pan!"
He said.
After Ubuu was gone...
*I'll miss you... my friend...*
Thoguth Pan.
Videl called her.
"Let's go home"
Said Gohan.
She ran to her parents.
"You wouldn't belive what
happened today... but you where outside playing right?"
Gohan started.
He continued.
"Too bad you missed it!
Your grandpa Goku and Vegeta got they're tails stuck thouguether just like
Trunks and Goten that time!"
Pan started to giggle.
*If they only knew*
She thougth.
While flying Ubbu looked at the ice mealting on Goku's tail.
*If he only knew*
He thougth.