It is night and the air is cold. Marron is dressed in her beautiful
pink dress, but its ripped like she was beatin up. Her hair is a
mess. She ran to the edge of the cliff and almost fell before catching
her balance.
She turned around just as a ki blast was sent at her stomach sending her
off the cliff. She screamed as she fell.
____(The next morning)____
Trunks wakes up and stretches.
"Gotta get ready."
he mumbles as the phone rings.
He rushes to it and answers,
"Ya, who's this?"
"Wow! You sound different.
Listen I can't talk long I have to go pick up Marron."
>What? You haven't heard.<
"Heard what?"
>I thought you would be
the first to hear.<
Trunks sat on his bed with
the phone.
"Hear what."
>Trunks, Marron's dead.<
>Last night she was attacked
by gangsters<
Trunks looked at the date
on his clock,
"Goten, I think you have
your days wrong. Its not April 1st." (*April
Fools Day*)
>Trunks if I was joking
would I sound like I just got finished . . .<
"Crying," Trunks finished
for him.
>Sorry man, its true<
Trunks shuts his eyes tightly
before opening them again
He dropped the phone, "Marron."
He repeated in a whisper,
The door to his room opened and Bra stood with her eyes red and swollen.
She rushed to her brother and hugged him.
"Oh Trunks, I just heard,"
she said.
"I wanted to marry her,"
he mumbled crying more than he's ever cried.
"I knew we should have taught
her some way of defense," Bra said.
Bra let go of Trunks as
he lifted his head,
"I don't understand how
a human could have killed her. Though she didn't have much power
she still is stronger than most humans."
"Trunks thats what the police
officers said must have happened."
"What? They don't
know for sure."
"Well no they just found
her on the bottom of a cliff, the gang pushed her off. We should
have at least taught her to fly."
"I should have been there,
its my fault, I should have been there to protect her."
"Trunks don't say that its
not your fault."
"It is its my fault."
"She wouldn't want you to
say that!" Bra told him.
"The dragonballs will bring
her back."
"What dragonballs.
They are gone. Remember?" Bra asked him.
"I'll just have to create
my own, ya thats it, I'll create my own."
Bra grabbed Trunks by the
"Trunks pull yourself together."
"I'll just create my own
and bring her back with them."
"Trunks," Bra slapped him,
"Only a namek can do that."
"Then I'll force Dende to,
ya, force."
"TRUNKS! You've gone
Bra ran into the bathroom
and filled a glass with water and threw it on him.
"AH! why'd you go
and do that."
"You were talking like you
had no brain."
"I need to get her back."
"Trunks, we all know what
your going through."
"No Bra you don't."
"Yeah we do."
"Bra! I love her more than
anything in this world, more than anything in this universe, and I lost
"We all lost her,"
Bra said.
"Imagine you losing Goten,
ok, now how bad would that hurt you?"
Bra hugged Trunks tightly,
"Oh Dende, I would die if he did. Your right."
"Bra, I have to go."
Bra nodded.
Bra left his room and he took a shower and got dressed. He
was in the bathroom brushing his hair when he looked in the mirror.
He could have sworn he saw her face flash. He was so shocked but
it went away. Then it came again along with a faint whisper,
"Marron?" Trunks dropped
his brush looking at the mirror, "Am I going mad or is that you."
"Trunks - help me. I - -
by some - -, please."
"Marron I can't understand
"Trunks - - for me."
The reflection of her started
to fade.
"No Wait Marron! I
don't understand."
The reflection of her was
"MARRON!" he screamed hitting
the mirror.
He walked downstairs. 'She asked me to help her. With what? . . .
Doy! Getting out of the mirror.' He came into the kitchen were his mom
was cooking.
"Are you ok Trunks?" Bulma
"Ya, I'll be fine but I
miss . . ."
He looked at the teapot
on the stove and saw her face flash on it.
"What?" Trunks
said to himself.
"What did you say?" Bulma
asked Trunks unaware of the reflection.
"Nothing Akasan. I'm
going out."
"Okay," Bulma replied.
Trunks walked outside looking at the ground. He looked into the sky
and at the clouds,
"Why!? Why her?" he
said aloud.
"Trunks," Marron's
voice said again.
Trunks ran to the voice, which was at a creek. He looked in and saw
her face on the surface of the water . . . again in the reflection.
"Trunks - - in danger.
You, -, - Bra might - -"
"What Marron I can't understand
The reflection disappeared.
"Damnit, Marron."
He looked around,
"Trunks!" Bra said
running up to him, "Whats wrong?"
"I don't know anymore."
"Trunks, I'm going where
ever you are, you don't seem so good."
Trunks walked out of the yard with Bra short behind him. They stopped
to get into the car. Trunks on the Driver side and Bra on the passenger
side. "I just want you to know that you still have people who love you
so don't do anything that you wouldn't want Marron or some one you love
to do." Bra told him. Trunks looked at her, "I'm not gonna kill myself,
don't worry." Trunks assured her.
"I just don't want you to
do something stupid."
"Okay and I won't."
The next 5 minutes were quiet as he drove. Bra looked at her brother
and saw something in his eyes. She didn't know what it was. 'Somethings
bothering him, he looks confused. But what is it?' Bra asked herself.
"Trunks, is something wrong?"
she asked him.
"No why would you say that?"
he asked without looking at her.
"Well you seem confused
or something like that. And then you also look like you've seen a
ghost." she said looking out her window.
The car suddenly stopped and she jerked forward. She looked over
at Trunks who was looking at her.
"You're lucky we aren't
on a popular road."
"Huh? Ow my neck,"
she began rubbing her neck.
"Bra, I've been seeing AND
HEARING Marron."
"Trunks you've gone koo-koo."
"No listen, I've been seeing
her in all the things you would see a
reflection in."
"Trunks you're scaring me."
"The funny thing is that
I am the only one who sees and hears her, akasan and you don't."
"Trunks, you've lost it."
"Bra please believe me.
I don't know why but maybe we are closely connected . . . like soul mates."
"Okay, well I don't know
what to say."
"She's been trying to tell
me something and I can't understand."
"Well maybe its a private
"She mentioned you."
"Oh, well what did she say?"
"She said or 'Trunks -a
pause- in danger. You -a longer pause- Bra might -a pause-."
"You aren't making this
up are you?" Bra asked.
"DAH! You just figured that
"Well all I think is Marron's
saying, you are in danger and You and me might be in danger or something
like that."
"Why would she say that?"
"I don't know."
"She wasn't killed by gangsters
she was killed by some one with some kind of power if WE are in danger."
"Ya thats true but now I
am scared because I'M in danger! I hope Goten will protect me."
"Bra, The longer pause meant
she said more than 'and' she must have said, 'Me, Goten and You might .
. . be killed."
"I don't get it. Why,
who would be after us and only us?"
"You didn't hit a guy with
your car and threw him into the water?"
"Bra you watch too many
horror movies."
"Trunks . . . " Bra was
They start hearing scratching noises on the car and the wind starts howling
and blowing fast. The car almost feels like it is shaking.
It soon begins to shake roughly. Bra screamed. She almost got
up. They both were looking at the floor of the car.
"Is something under us?"
Trunks asked.
"Whats going on?"
Bra was afraid.
"Bra I'm here and nothing
will happen to you."
Trunks looked out the window
but nothing was there, "I don't see anything, what about you?"
"Are you crazy I am not
looking out that window."
"Yeah you're right."
He leaned over her and looked, "There's nothing there."
The shaking suddenly stopped and the scratches faded away. The wind
calmed down and the shaking trees stood still.
"Is is over?" Bra asked.
"What was it?" Trunks asked.
"Some one is after us and
this some one . . ." Bra started.
"Is not a normal human,"
Trunks finished for Bra.
Trunks was just sitting
back on the seat as he clutched the steering wheel when Bra looked at him.
He looked up straight in front of him. Trunks and Bra both said, "GOTEN!"
Trunks started driving when he pulled out a cell phone. "Call Goten, warn
him some one is after him, I mean after us."
Bra grabbed the phone, "Ok."
She began dialing, "Trunks the battery is low." Trunks pulled out the cord
and put it into the lighter.
"We will have to wait a
short while." Trunks said as he continued driving.
"Don't you have another
"I'm not made of money you
know." Trunks said.
"Tousan!" Bra yelled.
"What?" Trunks asked.
Bra was hanging over the
seat searching for something in the back.
"What are you doing?" Trunks
asked again.
Bra came up and sat with
her back to the seat looking through a red purse.
"You know, Tousan gave me
money to buy a phone if I was ever in trouble."
"Hurry find it!" Trunks
"FOUND IT!" Bra yelled as
she pulled out a red cell phone.
"Dial!" Trunks yelled
at his sister.
"I am!" Bra yelled as she
was dialing.