He stared at the engagement announcement in shock. Of course, he’d known Trunks and Marron were getting more serious. But engaged? They were engaged? He couldn’t believe it.
Amazing. His two best friends getting so close, and he hadn’t really even noticed. He’d just assumed their relationship would end like his and Marron’s had. What a slap in the face.
They’d been quite a threesome growing up. Then he and Marron had started going out. Trunks had been so great, so supportive of them…so tolerant. So how had he gotten so out of touch with them? He hadn’t even known about the engagement!
He turned the page. And there was his interview. He was a “successful young businessman, destined for great things.” At least, according to the journalist. He remembered how great Marron had been when he decided he wanted to go back to college and actually get his degree. How patient she’d been when he’d forgotten anniversaries and called to cancel dates. She deserved her happiness with Trunks.
Goten knew it was stupid, but he couldn’t resist. He pulled out his favorite picture of him and Marron. Christmas…was it two years ago? Had to be. He had told her to look up and there was mistletoe. So he had bent over and kissed her. Pan had taken the picture. She had fancied herself quite the photographer back then. He remembered when Pan had given him the picture, all clean and new and beautiful. Now it was old and wrinkled…but he could still see the picture, and he longed to go back to those happy days with her.
Goten sighed and took a sip
of his drink. He was a firm part of her past. He’d had his chance, and
he’d blown it. So let Trunks try. “To Trunks and Marron,” he said aloud,
lifting the can slightly. “May they find the happiness I always wanted
with her.”