talking: "___"
thinking: *___*
*Alone again...*
Thought Bulma as she entered her
It was empty...
Her room was relly full....
Whit furniture...
Some unfinished inventions...
Pictures, make up...
All those things you'd find in the
bedroom of a rich and happy girl...
But she didn't feel like any of that...
She felt... alone...
So, So alone... and empty...
Outside the cold night air blew...
He was alone too...
For so long...
So long he couldn't remember when
it started...
Maybe when planet Vegeta was destroyed...
Or maybe even before that...
Or maybe he was born this way...
No, it couldn't have been that long...
When did it all start?
He didn't know....
But did he need to know?
What he relly needed to know...
Was how to end it...
In Bulma's room she looked at herself in the mirror...
"Who am I?"
She asked herself...
"Who am I?"
She repeated a little louder.
Vegeta was still out side...
He was sitting on the rooftop just
above Bulma's room.
*I wonder what's wiht her now...?*
He thought.
*Why does she ask herself who she
Vegeta keept thinking about it...
At first it didn't make sense...
She had to know she was Bulma Brifs.
But Then he thought...
*And who.... am I?*
This was silly.
He knew who he was...
Or at least he thought so...
He was the prince of the Saiyans!
No, that's what he is not who...
So then who was he?
*I... don't know...*
Thought Vegeta...
When you're alone you forget...
Because you have noone to remind
Of who you are and who you have become...
There's a big diffrence betwin those...
*Who I am... is who I am for you*
Thought Bulma in her room.
Then she repeated it out loud.
"Who I am, is who I am for you"
She couldn't remember where she got
Maybe in a book...
Maybe on TV...
Maybe on the radio...
Or maybe from a poem...
She never did figure out it'd real
Maybe.... someday she will...
*mm... who I am is who...*
She thought...
*That's it... who I am is who I am
for you.... you is the person I
Vegeta hear it...
*Maybe there's some truth to it or
maybe it's just a human thing...*
He thought...
He had to find out for himself...
When he was about to enter her room...
Yamcha got there...
He flew by so fast he didn't see
Vegeta or sensed him...
He flwew into Bulma's room...
"Bulma! Hey! I'm sorry how about forgiving
me huh?"
Said Yamvcha...
"It's not that easy... you don't know
who I am so you're no for me"
She said.
"What do you mean?"
Yamcha was confused now...
"I... don't want to be alone no more!"
Said Bulma.
Vegeta hear it...
How many times had he said it himself?
Ofcorse never so anyone could hear...
"But I'm here"
Said Yamcha.
"You're here but I'm still alone you
don't understand!"
Bulma sounded angry now...
Yamcha knew this wan't a good moment to ask her out...
"Say... um... You need some rest...
see ya in the morning!"
Yamcha said and he flew the same
way he came...
Once he was gone Vegeta whent into
Bulma's room.
She turned a looked at him...
Wondering what he wanted...
She hoped it wasn't the gravity room...
No... it couldn't have been it...
She didn't hear an epxplosion today...
But then what did he want?
"Vegeta... what are you doing here?"
She asked.
Said Vegeta.
"You're... hiding something... I can tell!"
"I'm not hiding anything woman!"
"Yes you are!"
"How would you know?"
"Because I know you!"
Bulma remained quiet for a minute...
She realized what she had just said...
It was true... she knew Vegeta even
better than she knew Yamcha...
And he... knew her...
"Vegeta... tell me who I am..."
She asked...
He stoped to thing for a moment....
*You're a beutiful and amazing woman
who I love!*
He thought...
"You're a silly woman not to know
who you are..."
He finally said.
"You know..."She started.
"You're right I am silly I should
know... I can see it in your eyes..."
She steped out to the balcony...
He followed her.
"Now... you tell me who I am"
He said.
"You're... a prince... not just of
the saiyans but..." *Mine*
Said Bulma...
She didn't finish out loud but she
didn't have to...
Now he knew...
They both knew...
That they would be...
Alone No More!
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by HaRUko^ on May 4th,
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