“Goten, look,” Bra said. “She’s got a tail.  I guess we need to remove it, right?”
 Goten shrugged. “Since the moon seems to keep popping up, probably.  What do you want to name her?”
 Bra looked up at the family gathered around them and looked directly at Gohan. “What do you think about Mikka?” she asked.

 “Mikka?  Wasn’t that…the…name…of the…girl…” Goten trailed off and his face paled.
 “Yes, it was, Goten.  What do you think of that as a name for our little girl?”
 “Well, hey, it was always fun referring to Trunks as ‘Mirai Trunks’ or ‘Chibi Trunks—’ why not do the same for our child, right?”
 Bra touched Chibi Mikka’s dark hair experimentally. “She’s all your side,” she said. “I don’t see any of me at all.  Oh, well, she’s beautiful.”
 Goten grinned at her. “Yeah, I guess she does look like me…and from what I can tell, the only thing she got from you is Vegeta-san’s scowl.”
 Bra chuckled and closed her eyes. “She’s beautiful, you’re terrific, I love our family, but I really need sleep.  So, everyone, clear out now, thanks.  Come again tomorrow to ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ over Chibi Mikka.”
 Goten rather forcefully began pushing everyone out, but Bra couldn’t help noticing he left her father alone.  She supposed some things never changed.

ps: Keep on coming for "To Save The Past--part 2" after all, it related!


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