"I can't believe this!"Marron yelled.
"Can't beleive what?"Terrah asked stuffing a doughnut
in her mouth.Terrah was one of Marron's freinds at the
"That lady!Can you beleive she actually insulted me!"
Marron yelled,"I mean I'm the customer!"
"Calm down, gosh."Terrah said.
"Okay,Okay."Marron bent her head down.
"Hey isn't that your friend what's his name again....
Boten?Yaten?Go....something?"Terrah said confusingly.
MArron looked up,"Oh it's Goten and Trunks."Marron said
"That's Goten and Trunks?"terrah asked looking a bit shocked,
then hearts appeared in her eyes,"You never told me they were that Cute!"Terrah
said in a dreamy tone,looking a liitle weird.
"I don't know what you see in them."Marron said."All I
know for one thing is that they are cute and very nice" Marron said.Then
She saw Goten and Trunks waving at her then went bak to eating there icecream
and kept just kept on flirting with the girls."And sometimes very annoying."Marron
said in a kinda mad tone.
"Oh come on, introduce me to them."Terrah urged.
Marron looked at her,"Okay, lets go i need a ride home
anyway."Marron said.Her and Terrah started walking to
the restaurant.They were in a mall, and the only place
to find Trunks and Goten is at a restaurant. They kept on walking until
someone went in front of them, and blocked their way. Marron looked up,
then suddenly got mad,"Brandon what
do you want now!"she yelled. "Woah!just cool it babe,I just wanted
to ask you if you wanted to go to the movies?"
"Look you got my answer already, for the millionth time No!"Marron yelled.She grabbed Terrah and started walking away, but something grabbed her arm. Marron looked back,"Brandon let go of my arm."she said sternly.
"Look babe, I don't know why you don;t want to go with
me,girls love me, and here i am asking you out, and you refuse, is it because
your being a miss goody-goody,or is ti because you are scared and never
experienced a real date from a real cute guy before like me."
Marron looked at him with angry eyes."Oh are you the most
cutest guy,i have been with way mor cuter guys than you, and you know it.don't
tell me you forget last year."Marron said in angry, teasy, sexy voice.
Terrah looked at her, she never saw Marron act this way
before.Marron pulled her and started walking away. Brandon suddenly went
blue when he remebered what happened last year."Oh yeah prove your self,
theres a party tonight at the club,i bet you wouldn't even go, and even
thought you went I bet you would just let your self go down and embarrass
yourself."Brandon told her. That made Marron stop.She turned around and
walked up to Brandon grabbed his collar and slammed him on the floor...hard."Do
you want me to kick your ass?"MArron sked angrily.
"Hey it's a challenge babe,I don't know if you can take
it."Brandon said.
"Oh a challenge, you want challenge,I'll give you your
challenge,I'll go to the party, and I will show you.I have way more experience
then you think,I bet you when I go there I 'll get everyones attention
then I'll kick your ass."Marron told him, he let go of his collar and started
walking off."See you there hotshot."marron said in a sexy voice.
Marron turned around and saw Goten and Trunks staring at her.She looked differnt she was wearing a skirt that went tight around her waist,thighs and her legs,that went below her knees,so it showed every move she made,She was also wearing a tight sleeveless top to go with it.
"Hi guys."Marron said cooly.
Goten and Trunks stared at her."Marron?you look great,
and differnt since i last saw you."Goten said.
"Yeah, you took those guys seriously, you were great."
trunks commented.
Terrah elbowed her."Thanks guys, oh yeah this is terrah
you remember her right?"
"Yeah, the one you were with in school."Goten said.
"Yeah hi."Terrah said.
"Marron you aren't really going to that club party, are
you?" Goten asked.