Marron stiffened. She didn't know what to
say. She was just speechless. She has never been in an actual
bar before. Was she gonna go or not. She didn't know if she
meant what she bravily.
"Marron?"goten voice said Talking her away from her thinking."hey
Marron are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine."Marron answered.
"So Marron,look I really have to go."Terrah told her."My
boyfriend is waiting for me."
"Boyfriend?"Marron said confusingly."What boyfreind?
You never told me you had a boyfriend."
A sweat drop formed on Terrah's head."Well I uh...forgot
really."Terrah answred nervously.
"Well, forget about that. Who is he?"Marron asked
curiously. Before Terrah could answer a boy with black hair that
split in the middle, that had dark blue eyes that was cute came up to Terrah.
"Hey Terrah."
Terrah looked behind her then suddenly blushed."Hey Micheal,
sorry I kept you waiting I was just talking to my friend."
Micheal looked at Marron then smiled."Oh Yeah Micheal,
by the way this is my friend, Marron."Terrah introduced.
Marron looked at him, then they shook hands."Nice to meet
you."Micheal said.
"Charmed."Marron said in sexy voice.
Goten and trunks looked at them.Then Marron turned to
them."Oh yeah Micheal these are my bestestfreinds in the whole wide world,Trunks
and Goten."
"Hi."Goten said uncomfortably.Look at how Marron looks
at him."Goten said sounding kinda angry."She looks at him like he's a prince
or something."Goten told Trunks silently.
"Why jealous?"trunks asked in a mischeviously."Is Goten
having a little crush in Marron?"
A sweat drop formed on his head, and he started
to blush." Marron as a way!"
"Yeah right."Trunks said."YOu like Marron don't you?"
"I said no! Now shut up. Goten and trunks walked toward
the girls, and Micheal.
"Oh well I'll see you Terrah, bye Micheal."Marron said,
then she turned toward Goten
and Trunks.
"Sorry guys."Marron said."I just had to say goodbye to
Trunks looked at his watch."AHHHH!!!! I'M GONNA
BE LATE FOR MY MEETING IN 10 MINUTES!!!!!!"Trunks yelled.
Everybody looked at him. Marron blushed."Trunks
calm down."
"Sorry I can't drop you off Marron, But I really have
to go! Bye!!!"Trunks zoomed off. Leaving Marron and Goten wind stricken.
"Oh gosh is he really like that?"Marron asked.
"No..worse."Goten answered.
A sweatdrop formed on her head, and she sighed.
Something caught her eye.
"Hey Goten, isn't that Paris?"Marron asked."Who is that
guys she's with?"
Goten looked up. He saw Paris, with some guy she
dumped him for. Goten looked away and closed his eyes.
Marron looked at Goten, he looked really hurt from the
way he looked."Goten?"
"Marron, can we go somewhere else, like the park maybe?"Goten
"Sure."Marron said. Her and Goten went to the park. They
sat down under a tree beside a big rock.
Goten sat down but he still looked really hurt.Marron
started geetting worried. "Goten is something wrong?"
Goten looked at Marron's eyes, they were filled with warmth,
happiness."NOthing really."Goten lied.
Marron knew he lied."Goten, if you don't wnat to talk
about it, it's okay."MArron said.
Goten looked at MArron.She knoew him to much, she always
sensed that he had a problem or not."You know me to well."
"Naturally."Marron answered simply."I've known you all
my life, ofcourse I should know.Now what's wrong?"
Goten looked down, then the smile he had turned into
a frown."Paris dumped me."
Marron looked at him."She dumped you again?"Marron asked.
"Yeah, again."
Suddnely a falsh of anger ran through Marron's body.
She felt like her day was gonna perfect, but now she found out that Goten
was hurt she felt like her day was gone, then she spoke up,"Goten why do
you stick with her anyway?"She said instantly.
Goten looked at her, her voice sounded wierd. Her
expression was like she was hurt, mad, and concerned.He face the ground
again."I don't know, she makes me feel...different."
"Is getting hurt a different feeling?"Marron asked.
"Well I don't know, it just feels so right being with
her."Goten answered.
"I don't know hwy you stick with her."Marron said."She
just keeps on hurting you."
Goten looked at her, then Marron looked at him,"I don't
want to offend you or anything,
but I think you should move on."
Suddenly Glooked at the grass. MArron came closer,and
put her habd on top of
his."Hey, Goten are you okay?"
"Yeah I guess,I don't know."Goten answered."I thought
she was gonna be the right
one for me."
Marron stared at him."I just seemed to forgive her all
the time. How could I be so stupid, I didn't realize the impact she
had over me, even thought I was the on getting hurt, I gave way."
"Hey Goten, don't be so hard on yourself."Marron said,
She lifted his hand, and looked in his eyes."You'll find the right one
I promise you."
Goten couldn't say anything, he was speechlees. He never
seen this Marron, he never seen this Marron who was talking to him right
now. She always felt like a sister, but now there was something different
about her way different. Was this the kiddish, crybaby Trunks and him used
to play with?
"Hey Goten are you okay?"Marron asked.
"Yeah I"Goten asked."Thanks Marron."
Marron blushed."YOur welcome.But I have to get home it's
really getting late."
"Sure, I'll drop you off come on."
Goten and Marron drove all the way to Marron's house in
silence. Finally they were there."Thanks Goten."She got out.
"Hey Marron?"
"Don't go to the club okay?It might be dangerous."
MArron paused."Okay."
"Thanks, i'll see you tommorow,"Goten said then drove
"Marron went in to her house."Mom! Dad!"She went into
the kitchen. She saw a note that said they had to go somewhere for emergency
and will be back tomorrow."Great."She said tiredly.
She went ot the phome and saw she had a message she played
Marron flared up, then she forgot about what she told
Goten."I'll show that Micheal!"
[Main List]