--Welcome to Neo-GTM’s RPG. This RPG isn’t built mainly on rules, but I’m gonna list a few things to consider when you decide to Role Play…That way others will have a healthy respect for you…
(Yes, I know
you are wondering, why did you list this stuff, but honestly, I kinda got
sick and tired of people asking me what ‘ROFL’ and ‘BRB’ means…X.x;;)
Terms to know…
In RolePlay
Real Life
In Real Life
Laughs out loud
Rolls on the floor laughing
Laughing my ass off
Rolls on the floor laughing my ass off…(Sorry, I just can’t resist these…)
Be right back
Be back later
Got to go
Away from Keyboard
^_^ =D -.-
=( oO;; (Various facial expressions…)
Well, that’s
a quick lesson in da’ language of RP. Now, let’s continue.
Skills that can be used to enhance basically any kind of chat.
yeah…I hate saying this one too, but…aren’t you guys tired of people that…’sits
down by a tree and narrows his/her eyes’ or ‘…’ ALL the time? It gets so
repetitive and lame, it makes me wanna gag!)
#1. Be original. Don’t try and mimic things that you may have seen on TV or movies. That’s considered lame…(Unless if you are you are RP’ing and you wanna RP that specific character or event)
#2. Be yourself. Hey, if you wanna do something, do it! It won’t hurt you…not in most cases, but doesn’t it take a leap of faith to accomplish something?
#3. In an RPG, anything can be possible. You can go from anywhere to having a massive epic quest, to just plain fighting, even marriage or whatever you feel deemed necessary. Just trying to tell all newcomers that anything can be done.
#4. Since fighting
is a common form of RP, do not, and I repeat, DO NOT Godmode. Godmoding
is where one person fights another, and never receives a hit and basically
is being unfair. Try and keep it sort of even. However, some people do
have reps for being amazing fighters, and they do not godmode, just find
ways to mentally trick there opponent.
#5. Just enjoy
yourself, and try not to let RP really grab you and draw you away from
RL. It’s a sorry thing…So have a life while yer at it!
Those are the current rules for RP’ing. If you’d like to add a rule or throw in a comment, email me at: lead_phoenix@hotmail.com OR ICQ me…The UIN# is 97383420. Also, Inow have AIM. My ScreenName is ProjectHiro
Team GTM and GTM Garden
--Get on yer
hardhats and stuff, cuz like, uhhh…we are building the GTM RPG! We need
ideas, stories, and other things, so please send us in your stuff. Email
Rukawa, or me
the details of what you’d like to add in and we’ll see if we can actually
do that.