"Grrrr...I though Marron was my friend...LOOK AT HER!!! SHE'S FLIRTING WITH HIM!!!
THAT TOTALLY TICKS ME OFF!!!" Bra yelled from the table.

"Um Bra. You spilled your juice." Pan said, sipping nervously from hers.

DECIDES TO TAKE MY SOON-TO-BE-BOYFRIEND!" she screamed, not noticing the people
staring at her with sympathetic looks on their faces. 'She must be traumatized.' they thought as they
passed by.

"Thats it. I'm going to grab any guy I know, waltz up there and give him a smack right in front of them."
she announced.

"Bra...maybe you should think this over. Just ask her, you know they could just be talking. Don't rush
into anything. Listen...they're heading this way. Just.." but before Pan could finish, she saw Bra grab
some guy and make-out with him.

Making their way to the table where Goten caught sight of Bra, they stopped dead in their tracks right
in front of it. Marron looked at Goten. The statement on his face showed pure pain.

"Oh. Hi Marron. Hi Goten. This is..." Bra said just realizing she didn't know who she kissed. She
looked up and saw...

"AAAAAHHHH!!! Ubuu?!?!!? I mean...THIS is Ubuu, my boyfriend."

"Well Bra...I didn't know you felt that way but maybe we should start out-" before Ubuu could finish,
Bra pulled him under the table and whispered, "Just play along. You're my friend, right?"

"Well, yeah sure but-"

"Please Ubuu, it would mean the world to me!" Bra said showing puppy dog eyes.

"Well, ok...but you owe me big, girl!" he smiled as they went back to the shocked and concerned

"Marron, you never told me that Goten was your boyfriend?" Bra said, smiling although it didn't hide
the hurt in her eyes.

"Bra, Goten just told me a joke. He isn't-"

"She is my girlfriend. Me and Marron have been on since forever." Goten cut her off, looking at Bra
with venom in his voice.

"OH REALLY. Well, I'm very happy for you two. I hope you enjoy the rest of your life together." Bra
said, holding back tears.

'Betrayed again. Marron, how could you do this?' she thought looking straight at Marron. Marron
searched Bra's eyes, hoping she'd see it wasn't true, but she got the hint that Goten's words were heard

"Bra...this isn't what-" but Marron was cut off as Goten kissed her. Seeing this, Bra couldn't take
anymore. She though Goten loved her. Guess she was wrong. She bid Ubuu and Pan farewell, and ran
out the center, crying.

Part 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9

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